reconstitute in Czech

econstitute <v.> rekonstituovat Entry edited by: B2 reconstitute <v.> reorganizovat Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "reconstitute"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reconstitute" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reconstitute", or refer to the context using the word "reconstitute" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. The government's intent was reconstitute orthodox communism.

2. One can then resurrect and reconstitute all molecules.

3. We decided to reconstitute the committee under a new chairman.

4. His photographs of these installations reconstitute the memory of a place.

5. Bobby is also able to reconstitute his body from broken pieces.

6. To reconstitute dried tomatoes, simmer in plain water until they are tender.

7. The major Methods: Used to reconstitute the company are acquisition of companies and merging.

8. Nature has the capacity to recycle wastes and reconstitute them into new resources of concentrated material quality.

9. Their less advanced bodies appear to be easier to reconstitute than those of the higher animals.

10. Artifacts dating from this period include ten plastered human skulls, painted so as to reconstitute the individuals' features.

11. You will spend more when you buy the package with measured-out units that reconstitute to one quart.

12. Is there any way to reconstitute the DNA so we have a shot at IDing these guys?

13. In this case we must reconstitute ourselves into a court of appeal and go through all the evidence afresh.

14. All they needed was water to reconstitute them and there was definitely going to be no shortage of that particular commodity.

15. A final absolute requirement is a sufficient number of Backcrosses must be used to reconstitute the recurrent parent to a high degree

16. So the Kugels indulged his eccentric whim, laboring to reconstitute the Noailles vignette, down to the very last gilded Bibelot.

17. Bulgur, which is made from precooked wheat berries, takes only about 20 minutes to reconstitute by soaking or by simmering.

18. This weakens the splitters' argument that to reconstitute high-level meaning from the basic ingredients requires only the right recipe.

19. Then, when we are ready, we can reconstitute and display it as new information which human beings can once again understand.

20. To compensate for these losses, Hamilcar Barca, a Carthaginian general, set out to reconstitute the power of Carthage by building an empire in Spain.

21. On condition of value transformation from "formal Rule of Law" to "Substantive Rule of Law", we should reconstitute the system of administrative detention in four elements.

22. RVT-802, derived from infant thymus tissue, is designed to reconstitute the immune system for the treatment of T cell immunodeficiency resulting from pediatric congenital Athymia.

23. Figure 7 shows the critical portion of our example Data Access Object (DAO) code, demonstrating how to retrieve and reconstitute ACL information from strings stored in a properties file.

24. The idea is established on the concept of Anamorphosis, which is a distorted projection or perspective requiring the viewer to occupy a specific vantage point to reconstitute the image.

25. The Apheresis procedures continue daily until the quantity of HSCs obtained has reached a predetermined target, which is the amount needed to subsequently reconstitute the patient's bone marrow and immune system

26. Writing from the position of an engaged subject formed by the epistemological regime he desires to reconstitute, Moxey invokes Michel Foucault (as well as Roland Barthes, Judith Butler, and Joan Scott), Avowing that the production of knowledge originates in discursive practices that are culturally embedded and constitutive of cultural meaning.

27. SYNONYMY NOTE: Adjourn is applied to the action as of a deliberative body in bringing a session to a close, with the intention of resuming at a later date; , prorogue applies to the formal dismissal of a parliament by the crown, subject to reassembly; to , dissolve an assembly is to terminate it as constituted, so that an election must be held to reconstitute it; , postpone implies the