raison detre in Czech

aison d'etre <n.> důvod raison d'etre <n.> smysl bytí raison d'etre <n.> vnitřní smysl

Sentence patterns related to "raison detre"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "raison detre" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "raison detre", or refer to the context using the word "raison detre" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Il a changé d'avis sans raison Apparente

2. La raison de mon sourire et Attouchement.

3. Economic clout is Taiwan's raison d'etre.

4. Work seems to be her raison d'etre.

5. Work seems to be her sole raison d'etre.

6. My whole raison d'etre is geared towards Chelsea losing the Premiership.

7. Its name is the big clue to this village's raison d'etre.

8. The large public piazza is the raison d'etre of the development.

9. In many ways, interoperability between systems is the raison d'etre of Web Services.

10. Gratifying your soul (and tummy) is the raison d’etre for these Buffets.

11. As artists, we are always asked for the raison d'etre in our work.

12. Its raison d'etre is to make animation and timing as simple as possible.

13. More exotic examples, and the raison d'être of topos theory, come from algebraic geometry.

14. Indeed it's the raison d'etre of the Time Honored Chinese Brand Shopping Mall in Pudong.

15. But movies will remain the raison d'etre of the back-from-the-dead Hammer.

16. Raison uses a made-up accent to voice the character, reflective of her Nevarran origins.

17. The existence of a thing more than two thousand years, will have its raison d'etre.

18. Secondly, the acceptance of unilateralism represents the absolute negation of the United Nations and its raison d'être

19. These enterprises is not entirely a matter of large companies, but certainly has its raison d'etre.

20. La première, et la plus traditionnelle, est la Bordure de jardin.La seconde est la costière, qui trouve sa raison d'être dans ses dimensions, supplantant la Bordure classique en raison de sa hauteur.

21. Secondly, the acceptance of unilateralism represents the absolute negation of the United Nations and its raison d’être.

22. In fact, is an immune organ tonsil is part of the immune system, it has its raison d'etre.

23. I've been thinking just how wretched it would be if my own raison d'être were taken from me.

24. After all, XML is a structured language, so structuring and organizing information is the raison d'etre of XML.

25. A l’inverse des pluies, les Averses sont plus difficiles à prévoir en raison du mécanisme qui les produit