osmotic pressure in Czech

[eko.] osmotický tlak Entry edited by: RNDr. Pavel Piskač

Sentence patterns related to "osmotic pressure"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "osmotic pressure" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "osmotic pressure", or refer to the context using the word "osmotic pressure" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. 70% ethanol is the most effective concentration, particularly because of osmotic pressure.

2. 18 The colligative properties are boiling point, freezing point, osmotic pressure, and vapor pressure.

3. Since Amoebas don’t have a rigid cell wall like bacteria, they’re susceptible to changes in osmotic pressure

4. Concomitantly, cells accumulate KCl, which increases the cellular osmotic pressure, resulting in the generation of turgor pressure.

5. Albumin is needed to maintain the osmotic pressure in the blood vessels without which fluids will leak out

6. The water potential in blood will decrease due to the increase solutes, and blood osmotic pressure will increase.

7. He derived an analogue of Gay-Lussac's law for the dependence of the osmotic pressure on absolute temperature.

8. Blood vessels are leaky to most ions, so there is no difference in osmotic pressure between blood and surrounding tissue

9. 24 The van't Hoff equation can be used to determine the relative molecular mass from experimentally determined values of osmotic pressure.

10. This induces gas and nutrients to move from the blood to the cells, due to the lower osmotic pressure outside the capillary.

11. 24 All osmotic pressure measurements are extremely sensitive to temperature and must be carried out under rigorously controlled temperature conditions.

12. The relationship between filtration of liquid through the alveolar-capillary barrier and the colloid-osmotic pressure of the blood plasma was investigated in lungs of the dog, using three different experimental approaches.

13. ‘Loss of Albumen and proteins, either from uncontrolled glomerular filtration, or from ineffective reabsorption, prevents establishment of normal capillary osmotic pressure.’ ‘The Victorians were agog to read William Mattieu Williams's Chemistry of Food, which went through four editions covering things like Albumen, gelatine, casein and

14. • Extent of Amylopectin swelling is dependent on the extent of crosslinking* and the affinity of the network for the solvent - The network will swell until the osmotic pressure generated by the network, as a result of its affinity for the solvent, is balanced by the restorative stiffness of the network resisting swelling.