normalized internal rate of return in Czech

[eko.] normalizovaná vnitřní míra výnosnosti Entry edited by: RNDr. Pavel Piskač

Sentence patterns related to "normalized internal rate of return"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "normalized internal rate of return" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "normalized internal rate of return", or refer to the context using the word "normalized internal rate of return" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Thus, internal rate(s) of return follow from the net present value as a function of the rate of return.

2. Alternative measures of "return" preferred by economists are net present value and internal rate of return.

3. The rate of return calculation takes the "time value of money" into account by discounting future amounts at the internal rate of return.

4. Accordingly, a measure called Modified Internal Rate of Return (MIRR) is often used.

5. 24 In evaluating corporate performance an attempt will be made to link accounting rates of return to an internal rate of return.

6. Modified Internal Rate of Return (MIRR) considers cost of capital, and is intended to provide a better indication of a project's probable return.

7. And industry can accelerate too, doubling its energy productivity with a 21 percent internal rate of return.

8. Taking account of the economic benefits flowing from increased safety, the estimated internal rate of return is 12,1 %.

9. The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) for the project is estimated at 7,9 % on a real, post-tax basis.

10. The internal rate of return is 19,7 % taking account of improvements in journey times, ease of travel, the environment and safety.

11. 11 In addition to net present value, the internal rate of return on a capital budgeting project is also calculated.

12. Interest rates on our serial and amortizer debenture loans are all-in blended rates (sometimes referred to as Annual Percentage Rate or Internal Rate of Return).

13. Modified internal rate of return (MIRR): similar to IRR, but it makes explicit assumptions about the reinvestment of the cash flows.

14. Annualized Rate of Return Definition Introduction

15. 13 Rate of return: Here, the rate of return is the minimum that you require from an investment.

16. 22 In this caseY the project having the highest net present value and profitability index may have the lowest internal rate of return.

17. Real rate of return (Inflation adjusted return based on United States CPI)

18. inclusion of a real rate of return (profit)

19. Annualized Rate of Return is a rate of return per year, when the return over a period, shorter or longer than one year is Annualized to facilitate comparison amongst Annualized return of …

20. The discount rate used is the real market rate of return (4.4 %).

21. Based on this strike price, the internal rate of return (IRR) for the project was estimated at 9,7 % on a real, pre-tax basis.

22. Normalized

23. Sometimes it is called Growth Rate of Return.

24. Real rate of interest (investment return after inflation)

25. The real rate of return is the difference between the gross interest rate and the rate of inflation.