nicaragua in Czech

Nicaragua Nikaragua

Sentence patterns related to "nicaragua"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "nicaragua" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "nicaragua", or refer to the context using the word "nicaragua" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. I think Nicaragua is less developed.

2. Nicaragua has about 40 volcanoes; some are active.

3. The Corrida Nicaragua offers a remarkable depth and complexity

4. In Nicaragua, the brochure Enjoy Life on Earth Forever!

5. He was also a progenitor of seven presidents of Nicaragua.

6. Nicaragua was Burdened with a foreign debt of $11 billion

7. At this time, Nicaragua was going through a civil war.

8. In Nicaragua the customs officials likewise waived inspection of the parcels.

9. On 6 January 1929 in Nicaragua she made her final profession.

10. 450 cases of leptospirosis were reported in Nicaragua, killing seven people.

11. In its application, Nicaragua requests the Court to adjudge and declare:

12. In addition, ecotourism, sport fishing and surfing attract many tourists to Nicaragua.

13. In fact, the earliest evidence of agriculture in Nicaragua was found here.

14. Consigliere is the bold new cigar from venerable CAO Cigar Company of Nicaragua

15. Sandinista!, an album by The Clash, features songs about The Contras in Nicaragua

16. In 2018 she represented Chinandega at Miss Nicaragua 2018 and won the title.

17. As Nicaragua increases its dependence on Venezuela's largesse, European donors are pulling out.

18. The Marginalized is Nicaragua (64th with TAI 0.185), followed by Pakistan with TAI 0.167.

19. It is known from only three specimens, all collected in southeastern Nicaragua since 1904.

20. During the Seventies, she worked for the creation of a new society in Nicaragua.

21. Blanco remembers the dead Sandinista guerrilla fighters and the faith in the cause for Nicaragua.

22. The scientific name refers to Lake Managua in Nicaragua from where the holotype was obtained.

23. 1) Bwana are an obscure psychedelic-funk-jazz-rock band from Nicaragua circa 1970-1972

24. Green crested Basilisks are found in the tropical rainforests of Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama

25. How do you know the strain in Nicaragua isn't different from the other ones you've seen?

26. Nicaragua owes $ # billion to creditor countries and institutions, almost three times the size of its GDP

27. The History of Cinema in Nicaragua, original title in Spanish, A la conquista de un sueño.

28. The U.S. enforced this hegemony with armed interventions in Nicaragua (1912–33), and Haiti (1915–34).

29. Hailing from Nicaragua, the handmade CAO Consigliere is covered with a dark, oily Brazilian Matafina maduro wrapper

30. In Nicaragua, field workers usually get no appropriate instructions (UNEP/FAO/RC/CRC.7/11/Add.3).

31. During past centuries cities along the shores of Lake Nicaragua were raided by pirates from the Caribbean.

32. Yet, these lakes seem like tiny blue pools when compared with the two giants —Lakes Nicaragua and Managua.

33. Capuchin monkey, (genus Cebus), common Central and South American primate found in tropical forests from Nicaragua to Paraguay

34. This also limits efforts to address HIV, particularly in vulnerable communities in India, Nicaragua and Pakistan, for instance.

35. (August) Five Central American nations agree on a plan to bring an end to the hostilities in Nicaragua.

36. The 1992 Nicaragua earthquake was the first tsunami earthquake to be recorded with a broad-band seismic network.

37. The Water, Culture and Agriculture Project in Nicaragua (or PECAN, the project’s French acronym) is in its consolidation phase.

38. It is found in humid primary forests from southern Nicaragua, through Costa Rica and Panama, into north-western Colombia.

39. Henry surfaces in Nicaragua amazingly and accidentally as a double-agent for the Sandinistas and the US backed Contras.

40. At present, Guyana, Honduras and Nicaragua qualify for some form of Concessional financing that is provided via blended loans

41. Nicaragua: il potere perseguita i cattolici ma Blandisce i neocatecumenali In Nicaragua vige il regime del Presidente Daniel Ortega e di sua moglie Rosario Murillo, del partito sandinista (socialista democratico, nazionalista e antimperialista), che guidò la rivoluzione per abbattere il precedente regime dittatoriale di Anastasio Somoza

42. This group had been established in León, Nicaragua in 1911 but expansion during the anticlerical Tinoco regime, had been impossible.

43. However he did accuse Washington of " inventing " plots by Iran to attack the US with help from Cuba , Nicaragua and Venezuela .

44. 10 The cultivation of Cochineal spread into Central and South America and was successful in Honduras, Guatemala, San Salvador, and Nicaragua

45. Abkhazia’s independence is not recognized by any international organization or country (except for Russia and Nicaragua) and is regarded as an

46. July 17 – U.S. Marine Corps de Havilland DH.4s are used to attack bandits in Nicaragua threatening the garrison at Ocotal.

47. Anf is a not-for-profit relief and development organization that provides opportunity and tools to those affected by poverty in Nicaragua

48. It was in Haiti that Marines began to develop the tactic of dive bombing and in Nicaragua where they began to perfect it.

49. In the interview from the mid-80s, Sanders was asked about Breadlines in Nicaragua and his support for the socialist Sandinistas who ruled the …

50. When asked about Breadlines in Nicaragua and Sanders’ support for Sandinistas, the senator quipped: “It’s funny, sometimes American journalists talk about how bad a …