natural monopoly in Czech

[eko.] přirozený monopol Entry edited by: RNDr. Pavel Piskač

Sentence patterns related to "natural monopoly"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "natural monopoly" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "natural monopoly", or refer to the context using the word "natural monopoly" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. But natural monopoly is relative.

2. He regarded telephony as a natural monopoly.

3. This paper, beginning with the economic characteristics of natural monopoly industry, expounds the reasons of deregulation in natural monopoly industry.

4. Costs can be rising in a natural monopoly industry.

5. Railroad industry is considered as typical natural monopoly trade.

6. Regarding the attributes of economics, infrastructure has the natural monopoly.

7. In principle, in some natural monopoly industries outside controls are superfluous.

8. Economies of scale also play a role in a "natural monopoly".

9. The postal industry is considered to be the natural monopoly industry traditionally.

10. This article analyses the incentive problem of regulation in natural monopoly industry.

11. Theories in the past say that every natural monopoly industry needs government regulation.

12. Other Western countries face the same problem of natural monopoly in these industries.

13. Secondly, marginal cost pricing in natural monopoly does not necessarily require a subsidy.

14. When a firm displays these economies of scale, we call it a natural monopoly.

15. As the development of social economy, there is a great reformation in natural monopoly industry.

16. Competition and ownership reform are main trends in the regulatory reform of natural monopoly industries.

17. The railway industry has a property characteristic of the natural monopoly, this must result in controlling.

18. This chapter examines these questions from a theoretical standpoint within the framework of natural monopoly industries.

19. Perhaps such arguments are beside the main point, which is to cover the natural monopoly case.

20. The problems of choosing an appropriate framework for any privatised natural monopoly have already been considered.

21. Public enterprises dominate the markets objectively, because of their natural monopoly and administrative protection to a certain extent.

22. Two problems recur in attempts to adopt any of the above solutions to the problem of natural monopoly.

23. The purpose of these calculations has been to demonstrate that rising average cost is consistent with natural monopoly.

24. Therefore the possibility of there being a natural monopoly is intimately related to the assumptions regarding potential entrant behaviour.

25. Our concern essentially is with the first of these possibilities, the case of natural monopoly - no competition is possible.

26. 25 The purpose of these calculations has been to demonstrate that rising average cost is consistent with natural monopoly.

27. First(sentence dictionary), they are related to subadditivity - the question of whether or not the industry is a natural monopoly.

28. As the development of market economy, we realize that, non-standard competitive behaviors of the Natural Monopoly make serious damage to competition order and aggrieve the interests of whole society.