mouthing in Czech

mouthing <n.> plácání Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "mouthing"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mouthing" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mouthing", or refer to the context using the word "mouthing" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. No Sass-mouthing.

2. Children were giggling and mouthing.

3. Now you're mouthing the words.

4. Mouthing spleen about the...working-class cause.

5. You are mouthing slogans you have heard others say.

6. Not mouthing off on Capitol Hill.

7. Morris was mouthing off about his former team.

8. Stop mouthing and listen to what I have to say.

9. He crept into the corner, mouthing curses.

10. The group shuffled forward, mouthing three hundred private prayers.

11. But my lips are just mouthing the words.

12. The pompous high-placed imbecile mouthing his platitudes.

13. He was mouthing off about the high price of fish.

14. An old ghost mouthing curses behind a cloudy, nylon veil.

15. 5 He was mouthing the usual platitudes about the need for more compassion.

16. Mouthing and Chewing in puppies is a completely normal, albeit annoying, thing

17. He was mouthing the usual platitudes about the need for more compassion.

18. Do you know any other Monckton mouthing off about global warming?

19. Mouthing off in crew buses hardly made me a political activist.

20. She began mouthing words in venomous silence; she clenched her fists in rage.

21. First, any bad-mouthing could eventually tarnish a mentor's reputation, even if the source is unreliable.

22. When you are facing a crisis, it doesn't help when players start mouthing off.

23. I had to listen to Michael mouthing off about the government all through lunch.

24. She's a typical teenager, coming home late at night and mouthing off to her parents.

25. 12 Mr Gringold droned on, mouthing the usual platitudes about motivation and self-reliance.

26. Squirt was mouthing the words, looking down at the text, then up at Mulcahey.

27. His lips seemed to be mouthing something, but Robert could not make out what it was.

28. Mouthing the words of a song often brings to mind the melody that accompanies them.

29. At thirty to forty-five minutes, mouthing and lip-smacking movements begin, and the infant begins to drool.

30. I do. You can't let a thing like that give you cause to go mouthing off.

31. Posted in Articles, Lifestyle, Work and tagged bad mouthing at work, Badmouthed at work, foul mouth in the workplace

32. Frankie glanced up to see her quietly mouthing the words as lights from the screen flickered across her face.

33. She finds exactly the right words for the bride and stands at the ceremony mouthing the vows.

34. Instead of quitting the music business she should have learned to use it for singing rather than mouthing off at every opportunity.

35. Typically, these are opposed by bland, bromide-mouthing mobs who evoke nothing so much as Hannah Arendt's phrase "the banality of evil."

36. Despite the bad-mouthing they often get, partly because they usually have to stick so close to the rules, Bureaucrats …

37. The phrase is speculated to come from Africa from the 1930’s where Bad mouthing meant to put an evil spell on someone, usually innocent.

38. A Blustering braggart; a former prize ring plug-ugly; a preacher of discontent; a political pretender; a man utterly without regard for the essential conventions of society; a passionate agitator who would use his authority as a bully uses his strength, a vain, mouthing demagogue, without knowledge of the genius of our government, without