monarchical in Czech

monarchical panovnický Entry edited by: B2 monarchical monarchický Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "monarchical"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "monarchical" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "monarchical", or refer to the context using the word "monarchical" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. The external apparatus of monarchical institutions can remain standing very much longer after that.

2. In 1990, Nepal changed from a monarchical non-party system to a parliamentary model.

3. The “Political Thought” of the “Monarchical Republic of Elizabeth I,” Discovered and Anatomized - Volume 54 Issue 2 - Peter Lake

4. The hereditary monarchical ruler of these territories was always a member of the family of the dukes of Gottorp.

5. There are many synonyms of Autocratical which include Absolutistic, Authoritarian, Autocratic, Despotic, Dictatorial, Monarchical, Totalitarian, Tyrannical, Tyrannous, Monocratic, Autarchic, Autarchical, etc.

6. There are many synonyms of Autarchic which include Absolutistic, Authoritarian, Autocratic, Autocratical, Despotic, Dictatorial, Monarchical, Totalitarian, Tyrannical, Tyrannous, Monocratic, Autarchical, etc.

7. Cromwell was sworn in as Lord Protector on 16 December 1653, with a ceremony in which he wore plain black clothing, rather than any monarchical regalia.

8. In an age of monarchical absolutism and religious struggle he moves from Apotheosising James I on the ceiling of Whitehall's Banqueting House to arguing, in …

9. Communism - Foundation in Czarism While most of Europe's history has been symbolized by the rule of limited centers of power, Russia resisted Europe's movement to limit monarchical power

10. So prudence might dictate muffling the antimo-narchical and Antiaristocratical drums for the present, even while laboring to contrive popular elective embodiments of monarchical and aristocratical principles

11. Agend is ranked 198,969 th in the world and 20 th in The Great Monarchical Nations for Most Cheerful Citizens, with 45.24 Percentage Of Water Glasses Perceived Half-Full .

12. Quashigah sees the world evolving toward a redefinition of national sovereignty — from the absolutist notions of the monarchical era, toward one supportive of the rights of all human beings, including those in foreign countries.

13. Although he fully acknowledges the political nature of Duncan's poetry, Mackey misinterprets Duncan's politics as a desire to be monarchical, rather than Anarchistic, arguing that "In Pound we see a poet hankering to get into government, wanting to dictate policy, to wield decision-making power, to sit in smoke-filled rooms.

14. The Athenaeum of Bone and Flesh is the largest place of learning with regards to healing in all of Aerb, and one of the largest of the Athenaeums.The main campus takes up the majority of Cranberry Bay in the Monarchical Democracy of Esplandian, and stretches through the city with disparate buildings owned and operated by the athenaeum.It is currently most known for the teaching of bone magic.

15. The Canadian Government was taken aback somewhat when Prime Minister John Costello declared Ireland's intention to leave the Commonwealth in a speech in Canada (Document 922), but Mackenzie King's private chat with Costello clearly indicated that there was a mutual desire to make the change as amicably as possible.7 While even Mackenzie King tried his hand at drafting some way out of India's dilemma, Pearson was most actively involved in the negotiations with Nehru and others to keep a republican India in a heretofore monarchical Commonwealth.