mitotic in Czech

mitotic mitotický Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "mitotic"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mitotic" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mitotic", or refer to the context using the word "mitotic" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Both substances induce mitotic aberrations, e.g., pyknotic metaphases, lagging chromosomes during anaphase, and multipolar mitotic figures.

2. Anaphase II is essentially the same as mitotic Anaphase except that in Anaphase II _____ and in mitotic Anaphase _____

3. Such cells are commonly referred to as post - mitotic cells , since they have undergone the last mitotic division of their lives and are no longer capable of undergoing mitotic division .

4. Abnormal mitotic spindles consisting of multi-polar spindles are initiated by taccalonolide and resemble abnormal mitotic spindles found in the presence of paclitaxel.

5. Brassica campestris var. pekinensis, mitotic chromosomes, G-banding.

6. ◦ alteration of cell cycle and mitotic spindle apparatus leading to chromosomal aberrations

7. In the regenerating endothelium, both mitotic and amitotic cells division were seen.

8. The mitotic indices of adenocarcinomas and anaplastic carcinomas ranged between 0.01–0.6%.

9. There is no mitotic or amitotic division of nuclei of the tubules.

10. Among histopathological prognostic parameters the mitotic activity is the most important one.

11. Human Chondrocytes in mature articular cartilage are post-mitotic and terminally differentiated cells

12. Formation of healthy mitotic spindles is necessary for division in all cell types.

13. Armeria maritima, karyotype, population differentiation, soil stress tolerance, mitotic aberrations, abnormal nuclei.

14. Mitotic metaphase chromosomes of 34 species of Drosophila melanogaster species group were examined.

15. In Anaphase, these homologues are pulled on by the mitotic spindle, being pulled apart.

16. Attraction sphere definition is - the central mass of the aster in mitotic cell division : Centrosphere.

17. The ultrastructure of mitotic nuclei of Physarum polycephalum was investigated by freeze-etching and sectioning techniques.

18. During anaphase identical sister Chromatids separate and move towards opposite poles of the mitotic spindle

19. Sperm cells in algal and many plant gametophytes are produced in male gametangia (antheridia) via mitotic division.

20. The nature of the cross-linking artifact prompts careful re-examination of the role of TFs in mitotic Bookmarking.

21. This atrophy was a true atrophy and characterized by a decrease in villus height, mucosal thickness and mitotic activity.

22. Mucosal hypertrophy—i.e. increase of villus height, crypt length and mitotic activity—is the initial stage of this process.

23. The mitotic index were most high at the fifth day after culture and toboggan at the sixth day.

24. The periosteal fibroblasts form an individual cell population and exhibit no increase in mitotic activity after parathormone administration.

25. This condition known as aneuploidy is largely due to the overexpression of the mitotic checkpoint protein MAD2.

26. Meloidogyne javanica, reproducing by mitotic parthenogenesis , is an economically important pathogen of a wide range of crops.

27. This ensures the unidirectionality of mitotic progression and is delivered by the anaphase promoting complex or cyclosome (APC/C).

28. Specific aberrations concerning mitotic rate, cell death, organogenesis, cell pattern differentiation and cell differentiation are described and discussed.

29. 23 To investigate the role of the human mitotic kinesin-like protein 1(MKLP in mitosis and cytokinesis, E.

30. A Basidiospore may be uninucleate in origin but subsequently become binucleate by the mitotic division of the single nucleus

31. Each Ascus usually contains eight ascospores (or octad), produced by meiosis followed, in most species, by a mitotic cell division.

32. Microtubule plus-end–tracking proteins (+TIPs) control microtubule dynamics and their interactions with, amongst others, mitotic kinetochores, the actin cytoskeleton and the cell cortex.

33. Bookmarking (also " gene Bookmarking " or " mitotic Bookmarking ") refers to a potential mechanism of transmission of gene expression programs through cell division

34. When this type of crossing over occurs in a somatic cell during the mitotic division , it is referred to as somatic mutation .

35. Attention is drawn to the significance of abnormal mitotic processes which may extend from an intracellular karyokinetics to abortive forms and to amitosis.

36. For instance, they established a quantitative microscopy imaging system with automated data acquisition and analysis that enabled the visualisation of key mitotic proteins.

37. And it prevents them from forming those chains, those mitotic spindles, that are necessary to pull the genetic material into the daughter cells.

38. 14 Detachment of cells from transfected epithelial islands or monolayers occurred in correlation to the plane of cytokinesis after misorientation of the mitotic spindle axis.

39. Effect of apical epidermal cap on mitotic cycle and cartilage differentiation in regeneration Blastemata in the newt, Notophthalmus viridescens Dev Biol , 75 ( 2 ) ( 1980 ) , pp

40. Abscission is the essential last step of the cell division process, which irreversibly splits post-mitotic sister cells (reviewed in Steigemann and Gerlich, 2009)

41. A single spermatogenous cell, the primary Androgone, is delimited in the nascent antheridium, and it undergoes five synchronized mitotic divisions to produce 32 spermatids (immature gametes)

42. When young undifferentiatedEranthis hiemalis embryos are treated with 2,4-D (500–1000 mg/l), differentiation processes are temporarily inhibited without affecting the high mitotic activity.

43. The pathological examination documented Agastric GIST (c-KIT+, DOG1+) with spindle cell morphology, with a mitotic count of 2/50 HPF thus classified as a "low …

44. Negative results were achieved with the Drosophila sex-linked recessive lethal mutation, mitotic recombination in yeast, in vitro chromosome aberration, sister chromatid exchange and unscheduled DNA synthesis assays.

45.  · Tutton PJM, Barkla DH (1978b) The influence of serotonin on the mitotic rate in the colonic crypt epithelium and in colonic Adenocarcinomata in rats

46. In the early stage of proliferation the regenerating endothelium formed a fenestrated „open layer“; nuclei were generally enlarged, the cytoplasm increased and in addition to mitotic growth, even amitosis occurred.

47. Whether the leaf is simple (Lycopus, Glechoma) or compound (Fraxinus), pinnate (Lycopus, Fraxinus) or palmate (Glechoma) in its nervation or leaflet arrangement, and acropetal (Fraxinus) or basipetal (Lycopus, Glechoma) in its development, the organogenetic zone of its primordium is characterised by a continuum of meristematic activity, a submarginal optimum mitotic density, a mitotic polarity (the main cause of lobation) and a very important individual variability.

48. Minimal mitotic abnormalities are observed: 1. “empty” poles, 2. cupular poles, 3. escape of centrosphere, which separates from the spindle, and sometimes torsion of polar regions of the achromatic figure.

49. Synchronous mitoses without cell wall formation and mitotic disturbances (f. i. anaphase arrest leading to restitution nuclei, fusion of spindles) are responsible for these cells with polyploid and lobed nuclei.

50. D Anaphase A Anaphase A is the dynamic mitotic stage during which the sister chromatids separate further and migrate along the spindle to opposite spindle poles (Inoué and Ritter, 1975).