medium lethal dose ld50 in Czech

medium lethal dose (LD50) [eko.] střední (smrtelná) letální dávka (LD50) Entry edited by: RNDr. Pavel Piskač

Sentence patterns related to "medium lethal dose ld50"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "medium lethal dose ld50" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "medium lethal dose ld50", or refer to the context using the word "medium lethal dose ld50" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. 27 The river still carries a lethal dose of poisons.

2. You have been exposed to a lethal dose of radiation.

3. A lethal dose of Cyanide is 1-2 milligrams / kilogram of body weight.

4. Without a, uh, antitoxin, a lethal dose will kill you in 36 hours.

5. A medium dose produces severe nausea within hours.

6. 10 A medium dose produces severe nausea within hours.

7. 2 A medium dose produces severe nausea within hours.

8. One mature fruit body can contain 10–12 mg of α-amanitin, enough for a lethal dose.

9. The right dose of aspirin can be a therapeutic godsend, but consuming too much can be lethal.

10. Two hundred and thirty eggs ofC. hepatica/g bodyweight proved to be a lethal infection dose forM. natalensis.

11. Additivity formulas – LD50 or LC50 of mixtures

12. Authorities argue Dr Murray gave Jackson a lethal dose of the anaesthetic propofol while treating him for a sleep disorder .

13. Objective To prepare Group A streptococcus preparation with the improved bouillon medium, and to study the LD50 and the anti-tumor activities of the preparation.

14. Lethal injection Administerers (1) Lethal injection provider (1) Lethal injection providers (1) Lethal injector (1) Lethal injectors (1) Lethal letters (1) Lethal libation served at Willy`s (1) Lethal loop (1) Lethal neckwear (1) Lethal nerve gas (1) Lethal powder featured in The Pri (1) Lethal protests (1) Lethal ring mad for a lot more

15. • Chemical information such as What is an LD50? Acetone, Sodium Hydroxide

16. Device and sensitive medium in measuring of a dose absorbed in an ionizing radiation field

17. The amphipods were irradiated with doses between 625 and 20,000 R.G. salinus andG. zaddachi are equally radioresistant (LD50/30 : 1,700 R) but less resistant thanG. duebeni (LD50/30(males) : 3,900 R; LD50/30(females) : 3,500 R).

18. High and medium dose males showed a statistically significant increase in absolute and relative kidney weight.

19. The measurement of the absorbed dose of radiation at particular points in a given absorbing medium.

20. LD50 for acute oral toxicity is that dose of the substance administered which is most likely to cause death within 14 days in one half of both male and female young adult albino rats.

21. During the trial , Dr Murray 's lawyers argued that Jackson self-administered a lethal dose of the drug while he was out of the room .

22. Median lethal dose for (male albino mice, oral, 10% solution at pH~11) is 730 mg/kg of body weight, with most deaths occurring in the first day.

23. A third copy of any other chromosome is lethal, as a person gets 5 times the dose of the genes on it, knocking the chemical balance out of kilter.

24. The LD50 of colchicine in mice bearing HD33 ascites tumors was 1.4 mg/kg body weight (b.w.), but a single dose of 3.33 mg colchicine/kg b.w. failed to suppress the anaphase of HD33 tumor mitoses for 24h.

25. Well, there are other cancer tumors in the abdomen -- quite lethal, very lethal actually -- pancreas, liver, kidney.