make possible in Czech

make possible <v.> umožnit Entry edited by: B2 make possible <v.> umožňovat Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "make possible"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "make possible" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "make possible", or refer to the context using the word "make possible" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. But inadvertently, through the inventions its findings make possible.

2. Modern physics will make possible synthetic production of the elements.

3. (b) What does the ransom make possible in the future?

4. Lasers make possible a fascinating form of photography known as holography.

5. The same advanced techniques also make possible invasions of personal and business privacy.

6. Today, cutting wheels and electric grinders make possible the cutting of very intricate shapes.

7. An anonymous computerized market will even make possible abhorrent markets for assassinations and extortion.

8. The element that was to make possible such union was trust in each other's love.

9. Student Ambassadorships make possible a wide range of student projects that foster integrative learning: inquiring into

10. It would make possible the provision of vastly improved public services, while reducing dependency upon them.

11. These active plates also make possible the spurting of columns of hot water from the lake’s floor.

12. The quality dept. just claim 1 - 1 pcs to inform you and to make possible the countermeasures.

13. At all stages good behaviour and a good work record make possible the earning of more privileges.

14. Love My Bubbles Hip Pad Briefs make possible the hourglass figure so many women strive to achieve.

15. Clinton is already banking on the savings to make possible a $ 98 billion tax cut over five years.

16. Experiments with monkeys hint that neem compounds might also make possible an oral birth-control pill for men.

17. Medicare cuts in the 1997 federal budget deal, in turn, helped make possible capital-gains tax cuts for investors.

18. High-speed printing presses have helped to make possible the simultaneous publication of Bible literature in scores of languages.

19. This will no doubt make possible the most spectacular progress: but it also implies the longest distance to go.

20. Its implementation will help open the market, eliminate the trade barriers, and make possible the free movement of goods.

21. From superinsulation and supercapacitors to ultralight structures, sensors, and armor, Aerogels make possible technologies that make our world better.

22. Its implementation will help open the market, eliminate the trade barriers, and make possible the free movement of goo...

23. They can be fully functional in either electric or hybrid mode and make possible even larger emissions and oil savings.

24. The prime result is to make possible a greater increase in population than would be possible on any carnivorous diet.

25. Aerenchyma cork-like tissue with large air-filled cavities between cells, present in the stems and roots of certain water plants to make possible adequate gaseous …

26. Aerenchyma cork-like tissue with large air-filled cavities between cells, present in the stems and roots of certain water plants to make possible adequate gaseous …

27. On the other hand, integrating them into the national legal system may require in-depth understanding and analyses that only codification would make possible (Allott 1987).

28. Efficient marketing strategy, good technological solutions, wide range of production, expert logistic system and advanced affiliate network make possible for the company to develop successfully and actively.

29. When the probability density function of the random series is unknown, the order of the model and the unknown parameters are estimated to make possible the solution for an actual case.

30. Moreover, the proposed BY OCZ system is not in any way bulky and will make possible without the interferences to arrange memory module with it in the adjacent slots on the motherboard.

31. Remarkable advances have also been made in radar and satellites, with the development of new generations that make possible the signal acquisition essential to the detection and tracking of missiles and warheads.

32. Still, in order to create their dreamed-of state, to normalize the lives of the Jewish inhabitants, and to make possible the ingathering of the Holocaust survivors, they accepted the partition plan.

33. Aerogels are a diverse class of ultralow-density solids with properties unlike anything else. From superinsulation and supercapacitors to ultralight structures, sensors, and armor, Aerogels make possible technologies that make our world better.

34. Upstream of the exhaust pressure regulator, the exhaust conduit communicates via valve means (17) with the intake side of an air compressor (14) to make possible pre-charging of the compressor during engine braking.

35. Particle accelerator - Particle accelerator - Colliding-beam storage rings: Although particles are sometimes accelerated in storage rings, the main purpose of these rings is to make possible energetic interactions between beams of particles moving in opposite directions

36. ‘Sophisticated instruments, which were to make possible the European voyages of discovery, were developed, including the Astrolabe, the quadrant and good navigational maps.’ ‘He also wrote works on astronomical instruments, for example on constructing and using an Astrolabe.’

37. The results of infant research show him three treatment technical principles: 1) constantly paying attention to the mutual regulatory processes in the analytical dyad, and to its disruption and repair; 2) constant readiness of the analyst to offer his self-object-function in this context; 3) constant effort of the analyst to make possible by explicit interpretations to become aware of the connected implicit relational contexts in the Here-and-Now of the actual relationships.

38. 15 Croatia requested the Court to adjudge and declare that FRY has breached its legal obligations to Croatia under the 1948 UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide and that FRY has to i) make possible the processing of persons suspected of committing the crime of genocide, ii) provide data on missing persons, iii) return the alienated cultural property and iv) pay compensation for damages caused by the mentioned violation of international law.