magnitudes in Czech

magnitudes <n.> velikosti Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "magnitudes"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "magnitudes" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "magnitudes", or refer to the context using the word "magnitudes" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Orbital elements and absolute magnitudes (brightness estimates);

2. f) Orbital elements and absolute magnitudes (brightness estimates

3. In general, deep-sky objects with surface Brightnesses below 22.0 magnitudes per square arcsecond (13.0 magnitudes per square arcminute) are considered faint

4. Their absolute magnitudes are only -8 to -15 mag.

5. The star varies in brightness by about three magnitudes.

6. "There are different magnitudes and different extents of Bribery…

7. Surface Brightnesses are usually quoted in magnitudes per square arcsecond

8. 3 That's because quake magnitudes are calculated on a logarithmic scale.

9. These impostors exceed their pre-outburst states by several magnitudes, with typical peak absolute visual magnitudes of −11 to −14, making these outbursts as bright as the most luminous stars.

10. These are large scale earthquakes that have seismic magnitudes as high as 6.1.

11. Not all geometrical magnitudes of the same kind are commensurable with one another.

12. Alpha Centauri A and B have absolute magnitudes of +4.38 and +5.71, respectively.

13. N Hydrae (N Hya) is a pair of stars of magnitudes 5.8 and 5.9.

14. There were two shocks with magnitudes exceeding 5, and they constituted an earthquake doublet.

15. The summation circuit is adapted to add the amplitude magnitudes of the signals selected.

16. He adds: “These magnitudes would seem to be enough to scuttle any monetary system.”

17. 50 objects were targeted and most of them had bolometric magnitudes below -5.

18. Its earthquakes are well-located and their magnitudes found with closely-spaced modern seismographs.

19. When the visual and absolute magnitudes are known, the distance to the star can be measured.

20. The polynomial can be evaluated by considering the magnitudes and angles of each of these vectors.

21. In recent years, most with epicenters near Guam have had magnitudes ranging from 5.0 to 8.7.

22. Preceding that, midnight to 6 a.m. the aftershocks which occurred were of the magnitudes 3 and 4 only.

23. Each area of an ecosystem can face a variety of types and magnitudes of threats from human activities

24. The scale of free-fall acceleration at a certain place must be determined with precision measurement of several mechanical magnitudes.

25. The passenger responses suggest that a useful prediction of Airsickness can be obtained from magnitudes of low frequency aircraft motion

26. Furthermore, it is found that the stress intensity factor decreases as the magnitudes of the two foundation parameters increase.

27. It is 300 light years away and its brightness is only decreased by 0.003 magnitudes by intervening gas and dust.

28. As a specialized measurement appliance of physical exploration for petroleum, geophone tester involves multiple physical magnitudes and technical parameter testing functions.

29. More than 30 aftershocks with magnitudes ranging between ML −0.2 and ML 3.7 were detected in the month following the mainshock.

30. The Asterism shows quite well in the 18 × 50 binoculars, displaying 24 stars within 1.5°, magnitudes 4.8 to 9.2

31. Stretch dominated structures such as octet tress structure have reduced density to stiffness coupling with n around 1 over many magnitudes of density.

32. In this scenario, the primary surplus (which excludes interest payments) would “achieve ‘escape velocity’ magnitudes in absolute as well as percentage terms over time.”

33. Accommodatively based vision rehabilitation acts to regain accommodative function through repeated stimulation with different magnitudes of blur over a period of time (e.g., several weeks)

34. Apparatus, namely, computers, computer software and electronic modules for transmitting and recording fluid pressures corresponding to variable magnitudes, namely, temperature, flow, pressure, and liquid levels

35. Note that in a non-rotating frame of reference, the derivatives of the coordinate directions are not considered as their directions and magnitudes are constants.

36. Hipparchus of Nicaea (second century), outstanding astronomer and founder of trigonometry, classified stars into magnitudes according to brightness, a system basically still in use.

37. Shear band width is sensitive to the size of the finite difference mesh but is controlled also by the magnitudes of the friction and dilation angles.

38. It may be as bright as absolute magnitude 5 in the high state, more typically absolute magnitude 6-8, but 3-5 magnitudes fainter in the low state.

39. If we knew the distances to the stars (see the parallax article), we could account for their distances and assign Absolute magnitudes which would reflect their true, intrinsic brightness.

40. Information society statistics represent a vast area, as they encompass the supply and demand sides, people, businesses and Governments, microeconomic and macroeconomic magnitudes, and new phenomena such as e-commerce.

41. 16 The spreading signal is a pseudo-noise code sequence that has a chip rate which is orders of magnitudes grater than the data rate of the message.

42. The maesure of performance is the ratio of the magnitudes of the maximum absolute acceleration of the protected equipment to the maximum acceleration of the shock-excited environment.

43. The sizes of earthquakes are related to how big their ruptures are, and the biggest Crustal faults in our region could produce earthquakes with magnitudes as large as, perhaps, M7.5.

44. Information society statistics represent a vast area, as they encompass the supply and demand sides, people, businesses and Governments, microeconomic and macroeconomic magnitudes, and new phenomena such as e-commerce

45. Said another scholar: “Pharisaism produced a mass of legal rules covering all situations, with the inevitable consequence that they magnified trifles and in doing so trifled with magnitudes (Mt.

46. The importance of the Archimedean axiom only became fully apparent after the discovery, in the 19th century, of magnitudes to which it does not apply — so-called non-Archimedean quantities (cf

47. The effects of conditioning high frequency tetanus on the magnitudes of these afferents and reflex volleys were examined in kittens of postnatal age 1–90 days and in adult cats.

48. The effects of the bulky side groups on the dielectric high and low temperature absorptions are discussed with respect to the shapes, the magnitudes and the apparent activation energies of the absorptions.

49. By this transformation of all questions of quality into questions only of quantity, geometry is reduced to the single problem of the measurement of magnitudes, that is, the Ascertainment of the equalities which exist between them.

50. The book was thoroughly illustrated along with observations and descriptions of the stars, their positions (copied from Ptolemy's Almagest with the longitudes increased by 12° 42' to account for the precession), their magnitudes (brightness) and their color.