loth in Czech

eochotně Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "loth"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "loth" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "loth", or refer to the context using the word "loth" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Other African governments seem loth to interfere.

2. Ministers have been loth to debate its details.

3. Without strong government backing, the private sector was loth to fork out.

4. Moreover, their sons are loth to follow their fathers into farming.

5. But China is loth to allow the yuan to appreciate rapidly.

6. That makes workers at home more anxious ( and more loth to spend ).

7. And the army, always loth to do policework, may withdraw too soon.

8. So far the European Union has been loth to give the go - ahead.

9. Another reason is that it is loth to give ammunition to the protectionist lobby.

10. Definition (adj) (usually followed by `to') strongly opposed Synonyms: Antipathetical, averse, indisposed, loath, loth

11. Many such countries have been loth to tap the fund because of the stigma involved.

12. Banks, fearful for their own survival, are loth to lend to anyone ( even each other ).

13. I was also beginning to see why Edward had been loth to speak openly about his work.

14. So the sales gap suggests that debt laden households are unable or loth to borrow.

15. If it cannot find one, the German government will be loth to provide bridging finance.

16. Indeed, a more obvious danger is that Pakistanis appear increasingly loth to rally at all.

17. Iraq's generals may well be loth to remove the Americans, perhaps relabelling them as " advisers "

18. The girls were nothing loth, for the house was splendid, and the welcome kind enough.

19. State companies, accustomed to cosy relations with government, will be loth to offer up their own 10% of flesh.

20. Picture: "Alexander and Bucephalus", Johan Carl Loth, XVIIth Century Our story begins in or around the year 341 B.C

21. I am attempting to wean him but it is I and not the child who is loth to finish the business.

22. ‘If I do sometimes look awry/As loth to see your Blobbered face/And loathe to hear a young man cry’

23. Loth (1632–1698), in his Jupiter and Mercury with Philemon and Baucis (c 1659-62), appears to have reworked the narrative from Ovid’s original

24. Johann Carl Loth (1632–1698), Jupiter and Mercury with Philemon and Baucis (c 1659-62), oil on canvas, 178 x 232.5 cm, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

25. Averse: 1 adj (usually followed by `to') strongly opposed “ Averse to taking risks” Synonyms: antipathetic , antipathetical , indisposed , loath , loth disinclined unwilling because of mild dislike or disapproval

26. Bidarkas, the 'O'Cain' set sail for the south and on June lOth anchored just off of Trinidad Bay, where Washington Sound, now Big Lagoon, was discovered, named, and partially explored

27. Sending me a poem, Seamus wrote: "You should have heard from me earlier, but I was loth to write and say my cupboard was bare and my Bakeboard a blank."

28. 2012’s Plumb was a sound-defining moment, and one which earned them some overdue mainstream exposure when it was one of the frontrunners for that year’s Mercury Prize, but it’s been a template that the Brewises have been loth to overhaul in the years since, notwithstanding some real gems like 2016’s Talking Heads-influenced Commontime and last year’s Imperial War Museum …

29. The Boxkeeper thinks that the play is scandalous, but "Society comes because Society is loth to believe in such audacity on mere hearsay, and flocks to the theatre in thousands to witness the appalling spectacle for themselves." Quisby and Jopp, a pair of "swells", arrive to see the play for the sixty-eighth and eighty-fifth time, respectively