locusts in Czech

locusts <n.,pl..> sarančata Entry edited by: B2 locusts <n.,pl..> kobylky Entry edited by: B2 locusts <n.> sarančata Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "locusts"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "locusts" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "locusts", or refer to the context using the word "locusts" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Locusts are similar to shrimp.

2. Like locusts, Christian ministers show perseverance

3. Missionaries Are Compared to Locusts

4. Goddamn things are like locusts now.

5. The locusts always seem one step ahead.

6. It will devour you as the young locusts do.

7. “The Locusts Resembled Horses Prepared for Battle”

8. They resembled a horde of human locusts.

9. Make yourself as numerous as the young locusts!

10. Environment had a great effect in locusts extermination.

11. A plague of locusts afflicted the land.

12. Were locusts a common food at that time?

13. So why not harvest the locusts? some authorities ask.

14. People will rush on it like swarms of locusts.

15. Yes, make yourself as numerous as the locusts!

16. John’s diet consisted of locusts and wild honey

17. The locusts are added to boiling water and drained.

18. Coming, too, are hungry hordes of creeping, wingless locusts.

19. And much of what they leave, the locusts eat.

20. The eighth plague was a large swarm of locusts.

21. The French armies swarmed through Rome like a cloud of locusts.

22. The region has just suffered a plague of locusts.

23. Swarms of locusts have been reported in 15 provinces.

24. 4 As the voracious locusts gather, so your spoil will be gathered;

25. Yes, Jesus likened his followers to sheep, serpents, doves, and locusts.

26. Wave upon wave of insects, most prominently locusts, devastate the land.

27. The morning came, and the east wind brought the locusts.

28. In no time the locusts came down and started eating everything.

29. Sometimes the locusts were salted or soaked in vinegar or honey.

30. The insect invaders are not limited to the winged migratory locusts.

31. And attacks from various diseases, locusts and wasps require constant vigilance.

32. From all Cyrus’ dominion they were called, “like bristly locusts” for number.

33. Cicada adults (locusts) are identified by their black bodies and red eyes

34. THEY are as numerous as locusts, reducing fertile fields to a wasteland.

35. □ What is depicted by the swarm of locusts and the innumerable cavalry?

36. An army of millions of locusts coming to bring complete desolation on the land!

37. Acridian (plural Acridians) Any of the family Acrididae of grasshoppers, crickets, locusts etc

38. He wore clothes made of camel’s hair, and he ate honey and locusts.

39. For centuries, people have consumed bugs, everything from beetles to caterpillars, locusts, grasshoppers, termites, and dragonflies.

40. Well, Jesus Christ likened his followers to sheep, serpents, doves, and even locusts.

41. He wore clothing made of camel’s hair and ate locusts and wild honey.

42. (Revelation 8:7-12) The stings of the locusts really began to hurt!

43. Since John preached in the wilderness, locusts would likely have been accessible to him.

44. But once across, the team discovers that, yet again, the locusts are nowhere to be seen.

45. The destruction of Israel could be brought about by a swarm of locusts or an all-consuming fire.

46. In locusts, an identified octopaminergic neuron innervates the extensor-tibiae muscle of the hind legs.

47. Egypt’s eighth plague, locusts, “is again poised to swoop on Africa,” reports The Weekly Mail & Guardian newspaper.

48. How are the modern-day locusts reinforced, and who particularly are the objects of their attacks?

49. 4 For if you keep refusing to send my people away, here I am bringing locusts within your boundaries tomorrow.

50. 5 Angels trumpet forth judgment messages, and Jehovah’s Witnesses swarm forth like locusts in exposing false religion