leak out in Czech

leak out <v.> propouštět Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "leak out"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "leak out" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "leak out", or refer to the context using the word "leak out" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Don't worry, it'll never leak out

2. Contamination can occur when chemicals leak out onto the soil from buildings or trucks

3. The Agglutinated red blood cells likewise split and its contents leak out in the body

4. 12 Shielded from the buffeting of the solar wind, ions quietly leak out of the atmosphere.

5. Albumin is needed to maintain the osmotic pressure in the blood vessels without which fluids will leak out

6. (Aug 96 issue) is a breath of fresh air (lots of big words, but hope does leak out).

7. A valve on their spacecraft accidentally opens when the service module separates, letting their air leak out into space.

8. ( If you still have a mercury thermometer , do not simply throw it in the trash where the mercury can leak out .

9. Sometimes when there is an injury to the lymphatic system during surgery, Chyle can leak out of the lymphatic system and can build up

10. Now it turns out that the blood vessels of many tumors are leaky, and so nanoparticles can leak out from the bloodstream into the tumor.

11. Bactericidal Drugs Bactericidal agents is a one type of antibiotic which kills bacteria directly. The antibiotic polymyxin B injures the plasma membrane of bacteria, allowing their contents to leak out

12. Proof the Croissants draft-free at an ideal temperature of 24ºC to 26.5ºC / 76ºF to 79ºF (above that temperature there is a big chance butter will leak out!).

13. The quench tank (collecting the discharge from the PORV) overfilled, its relief diaphragm ruptured, and radioactive coolant began to leak out into the general containment building . At 6 a.m. there was a shift change in the control room.

14. Systemic Capillary leak syndrome (SCLS) is a condition in which fluid and proteins leak out of tiny blood vessels, into surrounding tissues.This can result in dangerously low blood pressure (hypotension), hypoalbuminemia, and a decrease in plasma volume (hemoconcentration)