last out in Czech

last out <v.> přečkat Entry edited by: B2 last out <v.> vydržet Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "last out"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "last out" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "last out", or refer to the context using the word "last out" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Can you last out?

2. He won't last out the night.

3. Our money will last out the year.

4. Will this coal last out the winter?

5. He probably won't last out the night.

6. Will the invalid last out the winter?

7. Will the coffee last out till next week?

8. How long can they last out without food?

9. Mother wondered if she could last out another operation.

10. Will the food we bought last out the party?

11. I hope the food will last out the winter.

12. Can you last out? It is ten li yet.

13. I don't think the patient can last out another operation.

14. Father wondered if he could last out through another operation.

15. Doctors say that she probably won't last out the night .

16. I think they will last out till they are rescued.

17. The car will last out till we get to Oxford.

18. There is no substitute for hard work. First in, last out.

19. It is doubtful whether the patient will last out this month.

20. The wounded soldier is dying; he won't last out the night.

21. Ought to be enough in the tank to last out the winter.

22. Do you know how long we'd last out here without that raft?

23. Do you think the petrol will last out until we get home?

24. I think the car will just last out till we get to London.

25. It is a situation expected to last out the century, at the least.

26. I don't think they can last out till the relief troops come to the rescue.

27. She feared she might not be able to last out the afternoon in court without fainting.

28. The tower did not last out the nineteenth century; the danger from erosion caused the owners to destroy it.

29. Ashlaring Kapitel department manager occupational disability, incapacity for work hand lever olive branch, symbol of peace Last In Last Out; method for arranging a line so that the first to arrive is the first to leave (as opposed to the First In Last Out method in which the first to arrive is the last to leave) mjera od centra fitinga do naslona za cijev- za lemljene fitinge od lijevanog bakra skrog tanker sekcioj …