laid bare in Czech


Sentence patterns related to "laid bare"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "laid bare" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "laid bare", or refer to the context using the word "laid bare" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. The truth of their bodies laid bare.

2. 29 The investigation has laid bare their fraudulent scheme.

3. The frail web of human perceptions was laid bare.

4. China's Confrontational military buildup to be laid bare by U.S

5. China's confrontational military Buildup to be laid bare by U.S

6. 15 The excavation laid bare the streets of the ancient city.

7. Layer by layer the narrow strata of brick and rubble were laid bare.

8. • Stripped of brand identity, the Blatant potency of advertising imagery is laid bare.

9. 28 Stripped of brand identity, the blatant potency of advertising imagery is laid bare.

10. 4 The clearing out of disused workshops laid bare thousands of Italianate glazed tiles.

11. COVID-19 has laid bare our selflessness and our selfishness; our courage and our Cravenness

12. I'm afraid the recent security breaches... have laid bare your inadequacies as a military director.

13. If this holds true, he has laid bare a more precise target for future antacid drugs.

14. The incidents of sexual violence laid bare the horrible contortion of human nature inflicted by war.

15. 5 Worse,( because once again the great racial schism in this country has been laid bare.

16. From the top of Auckland’s highest volcanic cone (196m), the entire isthmus and both harbours are laid bare

17. 12 Their brittle and unsettling promise had already crept into the dark comers of her house and laid bare its emptiness.

18. 26 Enough is Enough relates facts of Intimate love, supreme sadness, humor, valor and fox hole religion, laid bare as never before.

19. Examples from Classical Literature He found an Abettor in the person of the Portuguese pianist, to whom he laid bare his soul.

20. When a former CIA-operative-turned-hired-gun joins forces with tech giant Cumulus, cracks in the digital facade emerge, laid bare by …

21. Under inspiration of God, a Bible writer known for wisdom laid bare a fundamental reason why things on earth so often run amok.

22. Cocaine Binges and $30,000 wine bills: Johnny Depp's lifestyle laid bare Libel battle with the Sun and ex-wife Amber Heard exposes actor’s hedonistic Hollywood existence

23. Health Becomes Key Issue in New York City Mayoral Race Public healthcare option, more equitable vaccine distribution are among proposals to address disparities laid bare by Covid-19 pandemic

24. As nouns the difference between Baring and bearing is that Baring is the act by which something is laid bare while bearing is a mechanical device that supports another part and/or reduces friction

25. Her existence predates all memory—even older than the titans, according to some accounts.[2] When a soul is brought before the Arbiter, all of its contents—deeds, misdeeds, thoughts, accomplishments, and failures—are laid bare, absorbed, and …

26. Based loosely on Haruki Murakami's short story Barn Burning, "Burning" is Lee's first film in eight years, and it is a bleak and almost Darwinian vision of the world, survival of the fittest laid bare in sometimes shocking brutality.

27. Those weapons which graze the bone obliquely are less apt to fracture, Contuse, or depress the bone, even when the bone is denuded of flesh; for in some of those wounds thus inflicted the bone is not laid bare of the flesh

28. Tonya Foster takes on the question of form itself in “Touching Authenticities” by deconstructing the essay, which strikes me as a necessary gesture given that she is tending to the question of the “authentic.” The world of the “natural” is laid bare, interrogated, and destabilized in Foster’s piece, as is “origin,” which begs

29. Wherefore these words in your letter bore witness to the Bewailings of the aforesaid, and through his outspoken account that which had been passed over in silence is laid bare, namely that the Præfecture of Illyricum had been approached, and the most exalted functionary among the potentates of the world had been set in motion to expose an