imaginatively in Czech

imaginatively vynalézavě Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "imaginatively"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "imaginatively" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "imaginatively", or refer to the context using the word "imaginatively" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. The room was decorated very imaginatively.

2. The hotel is decorated imaginatively and attractively.

3. The university imparts information, but it imparts it imaginatively

4. The stables have been imaginatively converted into offices.

5. 1 The university imparts information, but it imparts it imaginatively

6. So, in a frenzy, I corrected everybody's marks, not imaginatively.

7. J S McBrier An excellent introductory section, imaginatively using sound and images.

8. Moreover, both the biblical and the scientific accounts deal imaginatively with mysteries beyond our ken.

9. The reporters seem to have excellent sources and the stories generally are reported imaginatively.

10. Items are imaginatively displayed within room settings, enabling you to visualise them in your own home.

11. Its purely natural food imaginatively served to delight the most discerning of diners.

12. Such maps depicted paradise as imaginatively and confidently as they did earthly topography.

13. Listen with your eyes. Imaginatively listen to the sounds in a poem, a novel, a picture.

14. It was imaginatively true also in commerce and industry, in religious and intellectual life, and in the arts.

15. Synonyms for Creatively include in your own way, imaginatively, ingeniously, innovatively, inventively, visionarily, originatively, inspiredly, artistically and originally

16. This obviously saves much time and effort as well as allowing for the creation of more imaginatively produced work.

17. One may be visiting with a fried, as Cooley imaginatively walks in the silence of the woods with Thoreau.

18. The man behind many of the imaginatively etched stories has a prosaic explanation for why his " mission statements " tick .

19. Beginners imaginatively explores the hilarity, confusion, and surprises of love through the evolving consciousness of Oliver (Golden Globe Award nominee Ewan McGregor).

20. Imaginatively, however, negative moves of this kind have to be completed by devising new pictures to replace the old ones.

21. Though in places Belabored and repetitious, Becoming Old Stock is keenly thought and imaginatively researched, joining quantitative methods, written and oral sources, and the best secondary literature

22. Today, if someone claims that science is by nature a human activity, we can refute them by imaginatively appreciating the possibility of extra-terrestrial scientists.

23. Every year the Creative Bureaucracy Festival Award is given to people who have made a difference in the public sector by imaginatively addressing public challenges and improving the workings of government

24. Many people use Anglicisms because they don't know how to rewrite them, since there are no alternatives in their own languages. Thus, we see it as our task to think of good alternatives, lovingly and imaginatively.

25. Afflicting our souls, diminishing our ‘fat and blood’ – as fasting Christians we may not as readily as Rav Sheshet imaginatively engage with the sacrificing High Priest entering the innermost part of the sanctuary on the Day of Atonement to be ‘humbled’ by God