ibid in Czech

Ibid tamtéž

Sentence patterns related to "ibid"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ibid" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ibid", or refer to the context using the word "ibid" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. ] [9: Ibid., advisory opinion, para.

2. 3 The first author "tags" Ibid.

3. 2 Apply the basic conditions Ibid.

4. 26 – Ibid., operative part (emphasis added).

5. 8 George Orwell, 19 The Lion and Unicorn. ibid.

6. 1 George Orwell, 19 The Lion and Unicorn. ibid.

7. ( 14 ) Ibid, operative part of the judgment, emphasis added .

8. 6 Ibid. : The problem is to determine what is the case.

9. Ibid.: ‘A quibus corporibus non per Abstractionem, mens ea separat, ut quidam contenderunt’

10. � Ibid., p. 106 (citing the Kenyan Constitution); and Boll (see footnote 32), p.

11. Bobstays were surely not in use during the early 17th century (ibid

12. potential future claims and the acceleration of construction activities (ibid., para.

13. When Thou Arousest Thyself ‘tzalmam’ (their appearance) Thou wilt despise, 209 Ibid., 73:20

14. � Ibid., p. 94 (citing the Citizenship Act of 1955); and Boll (see footnote 32 above), p.

15. 12 Two weeks prior to a written set sail position, the program ibid.

16. 5 Therefore, he said, "Good to know good science,(www.Sentencedict.com) the shield also finishes" (ibid. ).

17. 13 A friend of the woman not to touch, whether now or have the consequences Ibid.

18. 11 Yesterday, Wuhan Experimental Foreign Language School 400 parents and children and teachers a lesson Ibid.

19. Vul'fov, A, ibid., reports that the type continued to be operated by four-member crews.

20. 1991 Flaux: Npa (nom propre en antonomase) = Antonomastical proper name (ibid.) 1992 Künne: hybrid proper names (ibid.) ONOMÀSTICA BIBLIOTECA TÈCNICA DE POLÍTICA LINGÜÍSTICA Els noms en la vida quotidiana

21. The latter agree that the remuneration can be paid out as a lump sum. 317 Ibid.

22. See also the preferred alternative for the investor-State dispute provision of the U.K. Model BIT, Ibid., Vol.

23. 4 Absorbing and assimilating the foreign cultures between nations will enrich and promote the development of aesthetic conceptions. (ibid.

24. ).Because of this anti Amhara act the number of Amhara has significantly decreased by the 2007 census (ibid) .

25. Reclassification of a Local level post of Deputy Security Officer to the P-2/1 level (ibid.).

26. As Leehom puts it, “Chinked-Out is a school of hip-hop” that “incorporates Chinese elements and sounds” (Ibid)

27. Lenin defined Bolshevism “as the adaptation of revolutionary Marxism to the particular conditions of the epoch” (ibid., vol

28. Ea vero aggredi quae alieni iuris erat … inconsiderati hominis fuit ac plane Arrogantis ignorantiaque vulgi apertissime abutentis.” Ibid., A 1, vo

29. The solution pump airlift operation that was mentioned in the Panel’s previous report (ibid.) was not operational during the present mandate.

30. 8 Therefore, Tan said, "Building China's Road, were barbarians love, soft clothes rack Yu's square pass because the incident may think" (ibid. , P2.

31. Bikols of the Philippines, 148 12 Ibid., 143 13 Roque Ferriols, “Insight” in Philosophy of Man: Selected Readings by M

32. 10 "For Christ is the God over all, who has arranged to wash away sin from mankind, rendering the old man new" (ibid. , .

33. The theory discussed earlier explained that skepticism of the Achievability of the American Dream was attributed to lack of black representation at high levels of government (ibid.)

34. 154, Ibid) (134) Another time, Brown states some Indians were porters, delivering pelts in 1717 to Charlestown, South Carolina, but states they had trouble hiring enough help, saying “The Burdeners were quickly sent back to the nation because of the danger of their getting Small Pox in our settlements.” (ibid, p 180).

35. Quo e mysterio, per Creationem, exoritur homo: “Et creavit Deus hominem ad imaginem suam; ad imaginem Dei creavit illum; masculum et feminam creavit eos” (Ibid

36. 9 Coase explained that because he was released in 19 the "social cost" has aroused widespread attention, it is slowly remembered his 1937's "The Nature" (ibid. note, p. .

37. 7 It is never right to do a little wrong to obtain the greatest possible good...Your duty is to do the right: consequences are with God" (ibid. , p. ."

38. Apprehensible Sentence Examples Nor, again, is it wholly satisfactory to explain KaraX7vrruci as virtually passive, " Apprehensible," like its opposite aKar6X7prros; for we find used as an alternative phrase (ibid

39. Finally, Carnap and Driesch even agree that there is more than one way we could impose the demand: ‘a genuine choice between several Conclusivenesses which present themselves as possible to adhere to’ (ibid., pp

40. The Secretary-General further indicates that this is in compliance with the endorsement of the Committee’s conclusions and recommendations on long-term accommodation needs at United Nations Headquarters by the General Assembly, in its resolution 70/248 (ibid., para.

41. The assets proposed to be donated to the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina include ablution and accommodation units, light vehicles, communication and office equipment, data-processing equipment, generators and medical accommodation and equipment (ibid., para

42. A cyclomorial platelet or 'tessera' is a polygonal element with a primordial tubercle (it can be situated Concentrically or eccentrically in relation to a geometric centre of a tessera), Concentrically surrounded by much smaller and simpler tubercles (Ibid., pp.

43. (84) Ibid.: "Nam sicut redeuntes, qui priusquam recederent baptizati sunt, non rebaptizantus: ita redeuntes, qui priusquam recederent ordinati sunt, non utique rursus ordinantur; sed aut Administrant quod administrabant, si hoc Ecclesiae utilitas postulat; aut si non Administrant, Sacramentum ordinationis suae tamen gerunt; et ideo eis manus

44. Ei Accerse hostias, victumas, lanios, ut ego (huic) sacruficem summo Iovi (Go, fetch offerings, victims, and them that slay them, that I may sacrifice to (this) Jove supreme (Pseudolus, 326-7) Ita di deaque faxint (the gods and goddesses be with you) (Ibid., 171) Di te …

45. Ambiguous moral positions, the distortion of reason by particular interest groups, and the absolutization of the subjective, are just some examples of a perspective of life which fails to seek truth itself and abandons the search for the ultimate goal and meaning of human existence (cf. ibid., 47).

46. The remnants of the old fragment of the Book of Paulus on interest, Fiscus ex suis contractibus usuras non dat, sep ipse accipit, (4) contained in the Digest, still appear to resound in legal texts which apply– Ibid., paragraph 30 that ancient distinction depending on whether the debts concerned are owed to or by the tax authorities.

47. The mandate of the Residual Special Court is to carry out a number of vital functions of the Special Court that must continue after its closure. These functions include, inter alia, the supervision of the enforcement of sentences; review of convictions and acquittals; conduct of contempt-of-court proceedings or the referral thereof to national jurisdictions; witness and victim protection and support; and maintenance and preservation and management of the archives of the Special Court (ibid., para.