hurricane in Czech

hurricane <n.> vichřice Entry edited by: B2 hurricane <n.> uragán Entry edited by: B2 hurricane <n.> orkán Entry edited by: B2 hurricane <n.> hurikán Entry edited by: web cyklón Entry edited by: B2 cyklon Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "hurricane"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hurricane" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hurricane", or refer to the context using the word "hurricane" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. The strongest landfalling hurricane was the Labor Day Hurricane of 1935 (892 hPa).

2. You caused the hurricane.

3. Yes, the hurricane cellar.

4. She's like a hurricane.

5. Preliminary Report: Hurricane Allison.

6. The wind blew a hurricane.

7. " There's a hurricane in Cuba "

8. The hurricane caused widespread devastation.

9. A hurricane struck the city.

10. The hurricane destroyed the whole village.

11. Another notable hurricane is Hurricane Katrina, which devastated the Gulf Coast of the United States in 2005.

12. The hurricane winds agitated the sea.

13. Hurricane Mitch Preliminary Report (PDF) (Report).

14. After a hurricane comes a rainbow.

15. The hurricane was a long nightmare.

16. Intense hurricane winds pummel the shoreline.

17. A hurricane ripped through the Caribbean.

18. Cleanroom Sterile Cladded Slide Doors; Hurricane Rated

19. The footman went ahead against the hurricane.

20. The hurricane blew some palm trees over.

21. The intensity of the hurricane was frightening.

22. An example of Cruel is Hurricane Katrina.

23. Bebathe Told by whom? Possible hurricane threat

24. The fields were devastated by the hurricane.

25. The hurricane left hundreds of house roofless.

26. The most intense hurricane (by barometric pressure) on record in the North Atlantic basin was Hurricane Wilma (2005) (882 mbar).

27. Last year our members responded to Hurricane Gustav.

28. Hurricane lamps, striped barriers, machine guns on tripods.

29. Hurricane Hilda kills about 200 people in Mexico.

30. 5 The intensity of the hurricane was frightening.

31. On the table was set a hurricane lamp.

32. A white hurricane lamp burned in the window.

33. A hurricane lamp was hung on another nail.

34. Many coastal towns were desolated by the hurricane.

35. There's a hurricane right on top of them.

36. The hurricane inflicted severe damage on the island.

37. The earliest-forming Category 5 hurricane, Emily, reached the highest intensity on the Saffir–Simpson hurricane wind scale on July 17, 2005.

38. As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,

39. Hurricane Bob has been downgraded to a tropical storm.

40. The hurricane flung their motor boat upon the rocks.

41. The hurricane left a trail of destruction behind it.

42. The only two hurricanes to form in January are a Category 1 hurricane in the 1938 season, and Hurricane Alex in the 2016 season.

43. All of them were hapless victims of this hurricane.

44. The hurricane devastated a large section of the coast.

45. The hurricane demage was assessed at three million dollars.

46. The Blue Spot liquor store... where butterfly met hurricane.

47. Little did I know you would be my hurricane.

48. 11 The hurricane pulverized the houses on the beach.

49. The hurricane would drive Golden Girl where it willed.

50. I wish I knew how to make a hurricane.