host plant in Czech

[eko.] hostitelská rostlina Entry edited by: RNDr. Pavel Piskač

Sentence patterns related to "host plant"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "host plant" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "host plant", or refer to the context using the word "host plant" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. They bore into young shoots of their host plant.

2. An occasional butterfly chooses Buddleia as a host plant; the Western Checkerspot is the only species listed in the host plant index of James A

3. Antirrhinum majus is a larval host plant for the Common Buckeye Butterfly

4. However, virulence of the fungus was fully restored after a single host plant contact.

5. Buttonwood is a host plant for several species of butterflies and moths, including the martial hairstreak

6. The plant a specific H. ismenius stays on throughout its lifetime is called a host plant.

7. Beechdrops get their food by tapping into the roots of their host plant, the American Beech tree

8. Apterous and Alate adults were collected from the same host plant by using soft brushes after the

9. Squash is the beetle's favorite host plant and may be used as a trap crop for other Cucurbits.

10. The weed also serves as a host plant for the larva of the Venerable Dart and Chickweed Geometer moths.

11. When the fungus invades the host plant it causes it to hypertrophy; its cells increasing in size and number.

12. Bacteroid The form adopted by a nitrogen-fixing bacterium when active within the root nodule of a host plant

13. Larvae can be found in resin deposits, thickened Cankerous branches infested by fungi and in mechanical injuries of the host plant

14. The host plant is unknown, but they might feed on the buds and seeds of Platydesma or the flowers of Fagara hawaiiensis.

15. Dodder can reduce agricultural productivity and can render a seed crop unmarketable since it's hard to separate it from its host plant.

16. Aphids only grow wings once they become adults and begin to struggle with overcrowding on their host plant, something to watch out for

17. The lief cycle, life habits and host plant of CPB, as well as its harm and occurrence law in the potato planting areas were studied.

18. For Alnus frankiae, the polymorphisms shown by both the nif and the rrn PCR-RFLPs revealed three host plant species-specific subgroups inside Frankia alni.

19. Many Abiotic factors (such as temperature, nutrients, and chemicals) and biotic factors (such as the host plant and predators) can cause fluctuations in aphid populations (Minks …

20. Some species of Aphid have only one host but commonly Aphid species alternate with an overwintering or primary woody host plant then alternate with seasonal host(s).

21. 2) The host selection process ofT. servadeii seems to be associated with the host plant ofThaumetopoea pityocampa (Denis & Schiffermüller) and with the aggregative behaviour of the parasitoid females.

22. This sorus may stretch 0.5–3.0 centimetres (0.20–1.18 in) across the petiole and undersides of the leaf veins of the host plant, leading to a gall formation.

23. Co-expression of certain Cb5 isoforms with FAD3 in a host plant results in increased production of seed oil content as well as altered ratio between different fatty acids.

24. Red false Bartsia is an introduced annual hemiparasite (partial parasite), that uses specialized root structures to invade the roots of its host plant to steal nutrients, while also performing photosynthesis

25. Haustoria A specialized outgrowth of many parasitic fungi and certain parasitic plants such as dodder and broomrape, that penetrates into and withdraws food material from the cells of the host plant.

26. Brumale ectomycorrhizal tissue all the molecular and morphometrical approaches revealed a higher fungal biomass, volume and transcript as well as higher fungal protein levels respect to the host plant, suggesting that the fungal genes and proteins are up …

27. The actinomycete is housed in nodules where fixation of atmospheric dinitrogen occurs and is made available to the host plant; the mycorrhizal fungus is both inter- and intra-cellular within the root tissue and may be found within the nodules.

28. Buckbrush roots have nodules that host nitrogen-fixing bacteria (Rhizobium) Bacteria capture nitrogen gas (N2) from the air (fixing it) and convert it into nitrogen compounds that plants can use Host plant shares minerals and carbohydrates produced by photosynthesis, with the bacteria

29. The name Broomrape is a combination of the term 'broom', referring to a vetch-like plant which is often parasitised, and 'rape', which come from the Latin 'rapum' meaning turnip or tuber, to describe the lumpy node it uses to attach itself to the host plant.

30. Broomrape seeds will not germinate until they come into contact with the roots of their host plant, at which point the Broomrape seed attaches itself to its host by means of a tiny root that penetrates the host’s root until it reaches the vascular system of the host

31. Apterous and alate adults were collected from the same host plant by using soft brushes after the emergence of the adult forms (within 48 h) and then were washed three times (5 min each) with chilled 75% ethanol, chilled phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) (pH 7.4), and ultrapure water in that order

32. Butterflies in the Wild Butterflies can be found on every continent of the globe except Antarctica, and in a wide range of habitats, including wetlands, lowlands, temperate and tropical forests, mountains, farmlands—and your own backyard! Each species has its own habitat requirements based on the specific host plant the caterpillar needs to