homophobic in Czech

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Sentence patterns related to "homophobic"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "homophobic" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "homophobic", or refer to the context using the word "homophobic" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. It's exactly what homophobic means.

2. There was no homophobic behaviour found among animals.

3. Therefore, genuine Christians are not homophobic. —1 Peter 2:17.

4. It also seeks common ground with Nigeria's homophobic Muslims.

5. Subject: Persistent lack of action by Italian authorities against the increase in homophobic attacks

6. Homophobic, Biphobic and transphobic hate crime - the legislation S146 Criminal Justice Act 2003

7. He distracts attention with homophobic rants and attacks on opposition politicians and journalists.

8. Verbal Bulling includes name calling, insults, teasing, intimidation, homophobic or racist remarks, or verbal abuse

9. Controversy surrounds the TV show, which many consider to be racist, sexist, and homophobic.

10. In fact, my earliest conscious tactic to hide my homosexuality involved being outlandishly homophobic .

11. True, 66% of gay and transgender kids said they had heard homophobic remarks.

12. I overheard somebody at work respond to the word Butthurt by saying that Butthurt was homophobic

13. Homophobic, Biphobic and transphobic (HBT) bullying is bullying directed at someone who is or is p…

14. Are we to assume then, that the similar onslaught on Peter Mandelson was purely for homophobic reasons?

15. Most Bulgarians are very homophobic, lazy and xenophobic and many are very cruel with those who are weaker and defenceless

16. The group claims that local tribes are involved in homophobic attacks, choosing members to hunt down the victims.

17. The deputy leader of the group, which is based in Baghdad, explained its campaign using a stream of homophobic invective.

18. In singling out gay men, the offence bears the hallmarks of homophobic prejudice, and belongs to the less tolerant era.

19. I wanted to explore long - lasting love and its possible steep price tag , homophobic antipathy and denial.

20. Biphobic Someone who has feelings of disgust, fear, anger or hatred towards people who identify as bisexual. Some Biphobic people are also homophobic and their reasons for their Biphobic behaviour are the same as their reasons for their homophobic behaviour

21. All ofthose things can help us to create a fairer country and also help usdeal with homophobic bullying.

22. In this investigative article, a Rioter explores Bookshops facing bigotry from homophobic and transphobic groups, and how booksellers have responded.

23. He also identifies a homophobic element to the vigor with which mainstream fandom rejects the possibility of a gay reading of the character.

24. But campaigners say that South African lesbians are now being targeted by homophobic men—and sometimes even gang-raped.

25. This vital teachers' guide to challenging homophobic and Biphobic bullying offers unique insights to address the issue at its core

26. While the translation is labelled as “unofficial”, Russia watchers were somewhat taken aback that a homophobic slur could end up on a government website.

27. When these Bathhouses first opened, they had to fight against an openly homophobic government and a culture still viewed gay sex as deviant

28. Until the Thatcher era, it inhabited a separate building in Old Queen Street (there were many "homophobic" jokes about the address).

29. "Gender jihad is the struggle against male chauvinistic , homophobic or sexist readings of the Islamic sacred texts, " said Abdennur Prado, one of the meeting's Spanish organisers.

30. There are different kinds of bullying and ask them to open about any kind of Bullyings like cyberbullying, homophobic, name-calling, or innocent bystanders

31. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has Airlifted the victims of a March 15 homophobic fire attack at Kenya’s Kakuma Refugee Camp to Nairobi for better medical attention.

32. Now is the time for homophobic legislation and talk to be seen for what it is: as shocking as racism, as unforgivable as antisemitism.

33. Teachers reported they heard sexist comments more often than homophobic ones, and they also saw more harassment based on appearance and weight than on sexual orientation.

34. But if you prime them experimentally by thinking we're coming apart, people are getting more different, then they get more racist, homophobic, they want to kick out the deviants.

35. Homophobic attitudes and behavior are a widespread problem among adolescents, but what the role of peer relationships such as friendships and Antipathies is in shaping these attitudes remains unclear

36. We notarize in achimaaz of the ditchs of a tenth-century robert morse robert morse dead Appellatived lithology, unobservant defrauds, prudery full-strength geographically with homophobic ushers

37. Joe SolmoneseWhile many called on the Reynolds pair to retract and apologize for their deeply homophobic statements, it was sports agents and players who took them to task.

38. I recently said the word Butthurt in front of my family (theyre all heterosexual) and they all chided me extensively, saying that it was an offensive and homophobic slur

39. Conversely, the term “Butthurt,” while occasionally used in a homophobic context, “is only as old as the late 1990s, in reference to spanking an unruly child,” and Bigham believes that

40. There is no aggravated offence of homophobic, Biphobic or transphobic hate crime but s146 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 imposes a duty upon courts to increase the sentence for any offence committed that involves either:

41. Later on March 18, LGBTQ rights activist Victor Mukasa reported, “UNHCR has finally Airlifted the 2 victims of the March 15 homophobic fire attack at Block 13 in Kakuma Refugee Camp

42. An attorney for the Brothers who Jussie Smollett allegedly paid to fake the racist and homophobic attack in January 2019 has filed a motion to intervene in the actor’s case, alleging that

43. Abjuren (Middle English (1100-1500)) Featured Games Trending Searches 🔥 negative-impact conundrum white-person define for-the-first-time creative focus delimitation telugu homophobic out-of-the-box thinking online : 3

44. Alan and the many thousands of other gay men who were convicted as he was convicted under homophobic laws were treated terribly. Over the years millions more lived in fear of conviction.

45. I have no idea whether this guy was homophobic, or what he could possibly have been imagining went on in my house, but I know he desperately wanted to make that sale.

46. A member of the Beastie Boys wrote a letter to Time Out New York magazine, apologizing for the rap trio's homophobic past, after the magazine took the group to task in an album review of a career

47. The Russian authorities have abjectly failed to take effective action in response to the violent persecution of gay men in Chechnya, Amnesty International said one year after a series of homophobic crimes in the southern republic were exposed.

48. Writing for The Weekly Standard, Benjamin Welton instead described the alt-right as a "highly heterogeneous force" that "turns the left's moralism on its head and makes it a badge of honor to be called 'racist,' 'homophobic,' and 'sexist'".

49. Bawlen (Middle English (1100-1500)) Trending Searches 🔥 challenge creative white-person feature thingamajig aesthetic define focus for-the-first-time negative-impact gujarati know-it-all sexual-arousal assistance out-of-the-box thinking online vulnerability mental-health love invisible change homophobic develop wellness important more-likely cohesiveness bittersweet potential mantra telugu

50. The only way to expose the hate which is being sheltered by language like “homophobic” is to similarly Antithesize the movement using language like anti-LBGTQ+ which not only encompasses hate targeted toward queer idenities, but also counters the idea that being against gay people is a fear as implied by the suffix “phobia.”