heritability in Czech

heritability <n.> dědičnost Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "heritability"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "heritability" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "heritability", or refer to the context using the word "heritability" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Heritability may also occur at even larger scales.

2. Key words: recurrent selection, doubled haploids, additive, epistasis, heritability, Hordeum.

3. For resistance material HX the heritability was mainly dominant effect of poly-gene.

4. However, the plant material did not include families for testing genetic parameters such as heritability.

5. Assortative mating has no influence on the heritability esmates from intra-sire regression.

6. We do not imply that adequately measured quantitative characters will invariably yield high heritability estimates.

7. The emotion of patriotism possesses the quality of durability, stability, continuity, in heritability, depth and positivity.

8. In swarm systems with heritability, individual variation and imperfection will lead to perpetual novelty, or what we call evolution.

9. A comparison has been made of estimates of heritability based on sire or dam components of variance alone.

10. Few traits reach the extreme of a heritability of one, although blood groups in humans are an example.

11. Heritability is defined as the proportion due to genes; it is the ratio of genetic variation to the total variation.

12. At the other end of the scale, heritability is one if all the differences among individuals are due to their genes.

13. Both the petiolule latex yield and the latex vessel number in lateral veins or midribs have a greater heritability.

14. Tartaric acid content was mainly controlled by non-additive effect and the broad sense heritability ranged from 0.07 to 0.

15. Assortative mating has been suggested to result in an increase in heritability and additive genetic variance through an increase in linkage disequilibrium

16. In Nigeria, however, where people experience a more variable access to good nutrition and health care, height has a heritability of only 62%.

17. “There hasn’t really been any good gene mapping studies on the heritability of Cryptorchidism,” Espy said, “but it’s generally accepted that Cryptorchidism is congenital or inherited.

18. Results In Ankang experimental station, these mental retardation population caused by non-specific mental retardation and endemic sub-clinical cretinism, have heritability of

19. Because of its very low heritability in litter size of pig, the improvement of the litter size is limited by the conventional breeding technology.

20. A twin study found evidence that genetics account for approximately half of the measurable differences in loneliness among adults, which was similar to the heritability estimates found previously in children.

21. The narrow sense heritability of DON content in grains was 54%, indicating that it is feasible to select lines with low DON content in earlier generations.Sentencedict.com

22. Clonal testing was studied under different environmental patterns and experimental designs through simulation with the criteria of maximizing broad-sense heritability estimates and genetic gain from Clonal selection.

23. Narrow-sense heritability estimates across all six sites for in-tree acoustic velocity stiffness at 8 years (0.42) were higher than observed for height (0.36) and diameter at breast height (DBH) (0.28) at 5 years.

24. The PSI was conditioned by 2 pairs of major genes with epistatic recessiveness effect and some polygenes. The heritability values of the major genes and polygenes were 50% and 5%, respectively.

25. Marker‐assisted Backcrossing is preferred relative to traditional backcross in the following cases: (i) phenotypic selection is expensive, difficult, or impossible; (ii) the given trait has a low heritability and is affected by environment; (iii) the given trait occurs in the final stages of …

26. The low cost, high heritability and nearly independent segregation of the genes involved with in-tree velocity stiffness and growth traits indicate that acoustic methods can be integrated into tree improvement programs to breed for improved corewood stiffness along with growth in slash pine.