heady in Czech

heady opojný Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "heady"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "heady" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "heady", or refer to the context using the word "heady" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Pretty heady stuff for a freshman....

2. She felt heady with success.

3. 13 I felt heady and euphoric.

4. This is all pretty heady stuff.

5. The heady days of 1992 brought dramatic changes.

6. It was heady stuff for me.

7. It is a heady, exhilarating feeling, and I love it.

8. I loved its profuse blossoms, its heady scent.

9. Heady stuff for a 21-year-old rock singer?

10. Profits grew last year by a heady 7%.

11. She felt heady with excitement, and her skin tingled.

12. The lilies release their heady perfume in the evening.

13. These were heady days when the wine was new.

14. The air was heady with the perfume from roses.

15. 2 The flowers give off a heady scent at night.

16. The flowers give off a heady scent at night.

17. The ambition of those heady days had ended in tragedy, of course.

18. A heady scent of jasmine hung in the summer air.

19. Magnificent patches of white elder, their scent adding to the heady summer evening.

20. In the heady days of their youth, they thought anything was possible.

21. House-buying is like drinking wine-it can be heady stuff.

22. On this heady diet we move from intoxicating anticipation to deep despair.

23. The brush of heavy foliage from lush, mature trees is heady and inspirational.

24. Since those heady days the bar and its clientele have undergone a transformation.

25. He often wished he could relive the heady days of his youth.

26. The show was a heady cocktail of jazz, dance and political satire.

27. Most rappers of this early age referred to even heady nug as Cess

28. The wine was making her heady, but she let him refill her glass.

29. The flowers have a sweet, heady aroma that can be smelled from a distance.

30. A heady mixture of reminiscence and connoisseurship of the least pretentious, most illuminating sort.

31. Served rare, the meat of squab is a heady delicacy, both earthy and elegant.

32. Cumbia itself is a heady blend of Latin rhythms mixed with African, Caribbean, indigenous and European influences

33. Lucy skirted the kiosk overflowing with vases and baskets of flowers; the heady scents were sickening.

34. As share prices continued their heady rise, traditional methods of stock market valuations were abandoned.

35. As yet nobody knows, but I am no less optimistic now than I was in those heady days at Treasury.

36. The Cider renaissance peaked early this decade and resulted in a heady range of choices for imbibers

37. He had been the newly appointed Head of the Fiana, eighteen years old, heady with the power of it.

38. 20 Prince's music makes me think of Des Esseintes's symphony of perfumes: exquisite, heady, overpowering,(www.Sentencedict.com) slightly nauseous.

39. This is the heady sensation that most travelers relish, the freedom that comes from feeling unaccounted for and unaccountable.

40. The heady scent of hot spices restored the sense of relaxation that moment in the cloakroom had nearly undone.

41. With equal measures of grunge and grace, Athens is a heady mix of ancient history and contemporary cool.

42. A gator contribution was both large and gray, indicating a (possibly literally) heady mixture of hair and meat.

43. The Courtesan is a heady mixture of grace, sensuality and politics, filling a niche in noble courts and elite circles

44. We are Aswirl in a delirious dance of motion, emotion, an exhilarating carnival ride of heady smells and riotous color

45. As in Baal worship in ancient times, music, dancing, and sexual allure make a heady mix. —2 Timothy 2:22.

46. Like a weak version of cocaine or amphetamine, alcohol boosts dopamine levels, producing a brief period of heady stimulation.

47. This was in the heady days of 19 when I first lost my leg, when very flared trousers were in.

48. Schmooze and wait:Those heady days of the late' 90 s, when applicants would get instant job offers, are so over.

49. Hard to find outside of the West Coast area, Axilla is a patient favorite for its surprisingly energetic and heady high with relaxing physical effects.

50. But the heady joy of escaping from the routine and demands of one's family can soon evaporate into anxiety and loneliness.