harsh in Czech

harsh štiplavý Note: kouř Entry edited by: luke harsh pronikavý Entry edited by: luke harsh odpuzující Entry edited by: luke harsh kyselý Note: chuť Entry edited by: luke harsh příkrý Entry edited by: B2 harsh nepříjemný Entry edited by: Jana Kománková harsh surový Entry edited by: B2 harsh nevlídný Entry edited by: B2 harsh hrubý Entry edited by: B2 harsh drsný Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "harsh"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "harsh" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "harsh", or refer to the context using the word "harsh" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Too harsh.

2. Harsh language?

3. That's harsh, man.

4. That is harsh.

5. Harsh and metallic: Brassy tones.

6. And with rain this harsh...

7. / Life seems harsh and cruel.

8. Harsh Words That Displease God

9. Satan is harsh and exacting.

10. Rehoboam’s harsh reply (1-15)

11. He regretted his harsh words.

12. Hey, that's a bit harsh.

13. 15 Jehovah’s justice is not harsh.

14. His voice became harsh and loud.

15. The punishment was harsh and unfair.

16. The harsh sound jangled his nerves.

17. The coastline is rugged and harsh.

18. Acridity: a harsh or sharp quality.

19. A HARSH cry is heard overhead.

20. His Breathing is harsh and wheezy.

21. Bite: a harsh or sharp quality.

22. Budgeting Presented by- Harsh Rastogi M.Sc

23. Because Archaebacteria live in harsh environments

24. Acerbity: a harsh or sharp quality.

25. All this during harsh December weather.

26. The minister received some harsh criticism.

27. Direct illumination is harsh and unflattering.

28. My breathing is harsh and wheezy.

29. Acuteness: a harsh or sharp quality.

30. Abusive: marked by harsh insulting language.

31. Christ was never harsh or abusive.

32. She was harsh to the servants.

33. He paints with harsh, slashing brushstrokes.

34. Aortic stenosis is a harsh systolic murmur

35. The children had had a harsh upbringing.

36. 7 His voice was harsh and menacing.

37. The weather grew harsh, chilly and unpredictable.

38. Ashen Skin Cause #1: Harsh Weather Conditions

39. Do not use harsh alkaline / acid cleaners.

40. Abusive definition is - using harsh, insulting language

41. The lamp gave out a harsh light.

42. Good advice is harsh to the ear.

43. How should we react to harsh speech?

44. Her harsh words stung him into action.

45. Polar habitats are harsh and highly variable.

46. He accused her of being unduly harsh.

47. Canned coffees taste either harsh or insipid.

48. But that only brought more harsh treatment.

49. His harsh words caused her much pain.

50. Press is saying some pretty harsh stuff.