harboured in Czech

harboured <v.> skrýval Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "harboured"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "harboured" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "harboured", or refer to the context using the word "harboured" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. He still harboured feelings of resentment.

2. She has harboured a grudge against me for years.

3. 7 These woodlands once harboured a colony of red deer.

4. I abandoned the garden, which harboured the non-existent toad.

5. Gatumba centre harboured small stocks belonging to the local rebel chiefs.

6. The abomasum harboured the highest worm burden, followed by small intestine and large intestine.

7. Had her mother harboured some primitive superstition about the totemistic quality of one's possessions?

8. The local people still harboured considerable misgivings over the flood of workers into their village.

9. Synonyms for Banqueted include entertained, honoured, honored, cherished, feasted, feted, harboured, harbored, received and regaled

10. A few infections arise from inanimate sources: for example, pathogens that cause tetanus are harboured in the soil.

11. The abomasum (adults + mucosal fourth-stage larvae) harboured the highest worm burden, followed by small intestine and large intestine.

12. This annoying pest is harboured in the soil beneath the bush and manifests as a mass of tiny caterpillars that can defoliate the plant overnight.

13. All animals harboured gastrointestinal parasites and 10.9%Dictyocaulus eckerti (1–11 lungworms per animal). The prevalence of nematodes in the abomasum, small intestine and large intestine was 93.8%, 57.8% and 87.5%, respectively.

14. This was followed by the influx of Filipino refugees from Mindanao as well Indonesian immigrants from Sulawesi who are majority Muslim that were harboured to increase the Muslim populations.

15. The Arbitrationist strategy harboured ‘(an) extreme reluctance to strike beyond what was necessary to expedite an arbitration hearing’, those pursuing the mobilisational strategy displayed a ‘frequent preparedness to strike’.8 Yet while the strategy of ASE in South Australia could never have been called