guadalcanal in Czech

Guadalcanal <n.> [zem.] Guadalcanal Note: jeden z Šalomounových ostrovů Entry edited by: Petr Prášek

Sentence patterns related to "guadalcanal"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "guadalcanal" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "guadalcanal", or refer to the context using the word "guadalcanal" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. In January 1943, she bombarded several enemy locations on Guadalcanal.

2. Operation Watchtower — the Guadalcanal-Tulagi offensive – opened on the morning of 7 August.

3. In September she escorted a transport convoy from Noumea to Guadalcanal.

4. After Guadalcanal the Japanese were clearly on the defensive in the Pacific.

5. San Francisco followed suit and withdrew eastward along the north coast of Guadalcanal.

6. There, she joined TF 62 and began preparations for Operation Watchtower, the invasion of Guadalcanal.

7. The Japanese convoy reached Tassafaronga on Guadalcanal at midnight on 14 October and began unloading.

8. The Guadalcanal campaign was costly to Japan strategically and in material losses and manpower.

9. Another made its way to Guadalcanal, only to be killed by an American patrol.

10. Coastguardsman Douglas Munro! During World War II, the Battle of Guadalcanal was where U.S

11. Extensive naval port and logistics facilities were established at Guadalcanal, Tulagi, and Florida.

12. The Guadalcanal campaign was a significant strategic Allied combined-arms victory in the Pacific theater.

13. After offloading her remaining passengers at Guadalcanal, Waters returned to Purvis Bay for an 11-day stay.

14. Vandegrift placed his 11,000 troops on Guadalcanal in a loose perimeter around the Lunga Point area.

15. USS Laffey received a Presidential Unit Citation for her role in the Battle of Guadalcanal.

16. In addition to Guadalcanal, Halford supported the beachhead at Bougainville, screening supply trains and participating in coastal bombardments.

17. A few Japanese stragglers remained on Guadalcanal, many of whom were killed or captured by Allied patrols.

18. Eighth Fleet personnel devised a plan to help reduce the exposure of destroyers delivering supplies to Guadalcanal.

19. For her participation in the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, she was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation.

20. Western Province has the largest number of airfields followed by Guadalcanal, Makira and Malaita Provinces with three each

21. Standing out of the unloading area on the night of 1 November, Wadsworth patrolled off Koli Point, Guadalcanal.

22. Two seaplane tenders and six destroyers were to deliver 728 soldiers plus artillery and ammunition to Guadalcanal.

23. Throughout the day, she supported the Marines as they landed on Guadalcanal and several smaller islands nearby.

24. Two coastwatchers and loyal natives cared for the survivors as best they could, and radioed news of them to Guadalcanal.

25. By late 1998, militants on the island of Guadalcanal commenced a campaign of intimidation and violence towards Malaitan settlers.

26. On 16 January, aircraft from Guadalcanal sighted three U-boats on the surface, fueling, some 300 miles off Flores.

27. He participated in battles at Guadalcanal, the Solomon Islands , the Philippines and at Bougainville aboard the USS Whitney

28. On 7 August 1942, 11,000 U.S. Marines landed on Guadalcanal and 3,000 U.S. Marines landed on Tulagi and nearby islands.

29. On 3 January, IGH informed the 8th Area Army and the Combined Fleet of the decision to withdraw from Guadalcanal.

30. On 1 February 1943, De Haven screened six LCTs and a seaplane tender establishing a beachhead at Maravovo on Guadalcanal.

31. After daybreak a Saratoga-based scout plane sighted her 40 miles off Guadalcanal, trailing fuel oil and down by the bow.

32. Over the coming months, Washington would be focused upon the safe arrival of supply convoys to the men fighting on Guadalcanal.

33. As escort for Kopara and YT‐130, Meade cruised off Guadalcanal during the costly but decisive night cruiser battle 13 November.

34. Atlanta served as Admiral Scott's flagship as the light cruiser, accompanied by four destroyers, escorted Zeilin, Libra and Betelgeuse to Guadalcanal.

35. Nimitz felt that Ghormley had become too myopic and pessimistic to lead Allied forces effectively in the struggle for Guadalcanal.

36. These planes, the first to reach Henderson Field, were instrumental in the Guadalcanal campaign and went on to compile a distinguished war record.

37. The task force had turned back a Japanese attempt to regain Guadalcanal, sunk Yura, and damaged a number of enemy capital ships.

38. As flagship of Task Force 67 (TF 67), she sortied on 29 November to intercept a Japanese force attempting to reinforce Guadalcanal.

39. Operating out of Nouméa, New Caledonia, she served during the months in late 1942 during the protracted struggle for control of Guadalcanal.

40. In the meantime, the Japanese 17th Army withdrew to the west coast of Guadalcanal while rear guard units checked the American offensive.

41. A company of marine raiders came on board on 31 October 1942 with orders to establish a beachhead at Aola Bay, Guadalcanal.

42. Using forces delivered to Guadalcanal in this manner, the Japanese tried three times to retake Henderson Field, but they were defeated each time.

43. The Bougainville campaign basically resembled that of Guadalcanal: it had a limited objective --- the capture and defense of a strategic airfield site

44. On 2 November, Conyngham bombarded Kokumbona, a village on the island of Guadalcanal, and while maneuvering in close quarters, collided with another destroyer.

45. On the night of 12–13 November 1942, in the First Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, Yūdachi escorted the Bombardment Force of Rear Admiral Abe Hiroaki.

46. Prior to the Marine assault on Guadalcanal on 7 August, Quincy destroyed several Japanese installations and an oil depot during her bombardment of Lunga Point.

47. Four days later, she returned to Bougainville to investigate the shoals along the approaches to Empress Augusta Bay, then, she resumed patrols off Guadalcanal.

48. On 10 January, while providing cover for a supply-drum transport run to Guadalcanal, Hatsukaze assisted in sinking the American PT boats PT-43 and PT-112.

49. Gwin escorted a reinforcement echelon from Guadalcanal to Rendova, then raced to the "Slot" 7 July to rescue 87 survivors of cruiser Helena, lost in the Battle of Kula Gulf.

50. Kawaguchi and his 35th Infantry Brigade, along with other attached units, were landed as reinforcements on Guadalcanal in August and September 1942 in response to the Allied landings on the island.