groaned in Czech

groaned <v.> truchlil Entry edited by: B2 groaned <v.> sténal Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "groaned"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "groaned" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "groaned", or refer to the context using the word "groaned" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. He groaned in anguish.

2. 'It's a complete mess!' she groaned.

3. The old man groaned with dismay.

4. He groaned for liberty very much.

5. 13 She groaned out loud in protest.

6. The audience groaned at his pun.

7. What had she done? she groaned inwardly.

8. 8 The ice creaked and groaned underfoot.

9. 8 The old man groaned with dismay.

10. "My leg"— "I think it's broken," Eric groaned.

11. She groaned inwardly, and felt the blush unfold.

12. She buried her head in Florence's flank and groaned.

13. Disgruntled and defeated omnibus owners and drivers groaned aloud.

14. The ship's timbers groaned audibly during the storm.

15. The friar looked sideways at Cranston and quietly groaned.

16. The office door banged shut and the Monsignor groaned.

17. She groaned inwardly,[Sentence dictionary] and felt the blush unfold.

18. The patient groaned as he was lifted onto the stretcher.

19. She groaned, suffering all over again the excruciating embarrassment of those moments.

20. He groaned inwardly at the thought of spending another day in that place.

21. Marlin groaned with revulsion behind her, and a woman on the pavement screamed.

22. A wood pigeon Cooed tranquilly in the cedar, and Lady Louisa groaned

23. While they lost weight and groaned in pain, Masako felt enwrapped in helplessness.

24. The dying man groaned with agony as the rescues tried to move him.

25. 22 Mitchell groaned when he saw her old backpack, utilitarian relic of hippie days.

26. Mitchell groaned when he saw her old backpack, utilitarian relic of hippie days.

27. We have groaned under the iron hand of tyranny and oppression these many years.

28. The fishing-boats groaned as the men lugged their catch on to the promenade.

29. She groaned inwardly as she saw the fresh pile of work on her desk.

30. Synonyms for Creaked include ground, grinded, grated, screeched, squealed, rasped, scraped, squeaked, groaned and jarred

31. As usual, only Zack and Jane seemed in high spirits as everyone else groaned and complained.

32. 10 As usual, only Zack and Jane seemed in high spirits as everyone else groaned and complained.

33. Bobby groaned, pounding angrily at his own flesh as though he might subdue it with his fist.

34. He groaned to the young man in a whisper, “This is a Bruckle het, maister, I’m much afeared! The Woodlanders

35. As the high points of last night's blustering and boasting passed through her mind one by one, she groaned aloud.

36. He lay with his arms under his head and stared at the ceiling as the Monsignor grunted and groaned.

37. For example, one day my old car grunted and groaned in protest as I hit potholes while trying to avoid stray goats and pigs.

38. The cargo chains groaned in the gins, clinked on Coamings, rattled over the side; and the whole ship quivered, with her long gray flanks smoking in wreaths of steam

39. ‘The Agonizing pain of surgical procedures, whether to deal with a major wound, a fractured bone, an amputation, or removal of a tumour, was a major obstacle to the development of surgery.’ ‘I groaned between the torrents of Agonizing pain.’

40. ‘The Agonizing pain of surgical procedures, whether to deal with a major wound, a fractured bone, an amputation, or removal of a tumour, was a major obstacle to the development of surgery.’ ‘I groaned between the torrents of Agonizing pain.’

41. ‘Total sales, according to his publicity Bumph, top 43 million across 150 countries.’ ‘I groaned even more when I read the publicity bumf before the screening.’ ‘Strangely although there were others in the band apart from singer/songwriter Bill Nelson they go unacknowledged in the sleevenotes and promotional Bumph!’

42. ‘Total sales, according to his publicity Bumph, top 43 million across 150 countries.’ ‘I groaned even more when I read the publicity bumf before the screening.’ ‘Strangely although there were others in the band apart from singer/songwriter Bill Nelson they go unacknowledged in the sleevenotes and promotional Bumph!’

43. ) (from "esthetique du mal" by wallace stevens) ("home" and "groaned" rhyme Assonantly) consonant rhyme example- but antichrist got down from the barbary beast and doffed his plume in courteous prostration; christ left his jennet's back in deprecation and raised him, his own hand about the waist.