grazing land in Czech

pastvina Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "grazing land"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "grazing land" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "grazing land", or refer to the context using the word "grazing land" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. They are often much smaller, especially on poor grazing land.

2. But, alas, there was not sufficient grazing land to accommodate this increase!

3. Under government ownership, the grazing land was gradually whittled away by privately owned farms.

4. From the Backlands of Pernambuco and Bahai, they followed their herds into Piaui looking for grazing land

5. Sandy soil: more fertile, resulting in better and more productive grazing land which dries out more slowly.

6. Agriculture, especially the creation of grazing land, and the draining of lakes and rivers have radically altered the habitats of the Valley.

7. There is also evidence to suggest that elephants were briefly utilized in the Late Period but largely abandoned due to lack of grazing land.

8. In Africa, endoparasites in particular can cause large livestock losses, because smallholder farmers that also raise crops often rely on shared grazing land.

9. The people lived in cluster housing or Clachans with each household owning its own portion of arable land while grazing land was held in common

10. In Tasmania it preferred the woodlands of the midlands and coastal heath, which eventually became the primary focus of British settlers seeking grazing land for their livestock.

11. The Cardigan and the Pembroke both worked with farmers to take the cattle to grazing land and to guard the barnyard, but they don’t share a common ancestor and …

12. The ability to graze their cattle over large areas has diminished Considerablyover recent years due to increased urbanization and the declaration of the Maasai Mara and theSerengeti Game Reserves, which were former Maasai grazing land

13. In eastern North America, Rosa multiflora is now generally considered an invasive species, though it was originally introduced from Asia as a soil conservation measure, as a natural hedge to border grazing land, and to attract wildlife.

14. Feedingstuffs purchased for grazing stock are subdivided into concentrated feedingstuffs and coarse fodder (including agistments and expenditure on the use of common pastures, grazing land and forage land not included in the UAA, and purchased litter and straw).

15. Feedingstuffs purchased for grazing stock are subdivided into concentrated feedingstuffs and coarse fodder (including agistments and expenditure on the use of common pastures, grazing land and forage land not included in the UAA, and purchased litter and straw

16. Feedstuffs purchased for grazing stock are subdivided into concentrated feedstuffs and coarse fodder (including agistments and expenditure on the use of common pastures, grazing land and forage land not included in the UAA, and purchased litter and straw).

17. ‘Some Crofting communities are now attempting ‘aggressive’ buy-outs against landowners not wanting to sell their land.’ ‘In the case of a Crofting community, for instance, all salmon fishing that borders the in-bye and grazing land can be bought by the crofters in an enforced sale.’

18. The purchased feedingstuffs include mineral licks, milk products (bought or returned to the farm) and products for the preservation and storage of feedingstuffs, as well as the expenditure on agistment, on the use of common pasture and grazing land not included in the UAA and on renting forage land not included in the UAA.

19. The purchased feedstuffs include mineral licks, milk products (bought or returned to the farm) and products for the preservation and storage of feedstuffs, as well as the expenditure on agistment, on the use of common pasture and grazing land not included in the UAA and on renting forage land not included in the UAA.

20. The purchased feedingstuffs include mineral licks, milk products (bought or returned to the farm) and products for the preservation and storage of feedingstuffs, as well as the expenditure on agistment, on the use of common pasture and grazing land not included in the UAA and on renting forage land not included in the UAA