gobble up in Czech

gobble up <v.> slupnout Entry edited by: B2 gobble up <v.> spolknout Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "gobble up"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "gobble up" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "gobble up", or refer to the context using the word "gobble up" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Hades follows, to gobble up millions of victims.

2. Do you gobble up all the baby food?

3. The government seems to gobble up the taxpayers'money.

4. 21 Do you gobble up all the baby food?

5. Housing costs gobble up almost half of our budget.

6. 22 The government seems to gobble up the taxpayers'money.

7. Treasury yields, which drop when investors gobble up U.

8. 13 Housing costs gobble up almost half of our budget.

9. Imperialist powers always tend to gobble up their weaker neighbors.

10. 23 Treasury yields, which drop when investors gobble up U.

11. Sick of bloated browsers that gobble up too much computer memory?

12. 26 Imperialist powers always tend to gobble up their weaker neighbors.

13. This machine can gobble up work at a quite fantastic rate.

14. 30 Stand up to the realistic choice elusion was equal to choose to is gobble up!

15. 27 A similar assault can be observed in real estate as companies such as Century 21 gobble up local real estate agencies.

16. 28 None the less, several very successful businessmen are convinced that the public will gobble up interactive services if they are made available.

17. None the less, several very successful businessmen are convinced that the public will gobble up interactive services if they are made available.

18. China someday will gobble up Pakistan in no time,(Sentencedict.com) so you better learn or start eating Pork Biryani or China will feed you by force.

19. 25 China someday will gobble up Pakistan in no time, so you better learn or start eating Pork Biryani or China will feed you by force.

20. 24 Still the devilish soul gobble up mankind's sort, drive the resistibility of mankind to blood clan sorcery for cursing would the nasty play reduce.

21. 25 Still the devilish soul gobble up mankind's sort, drive the resistibility of mankind to blood clan sorcery for cursing would the nasty play reduce.

22. 29 Anile epithelial by all round epithelial squeeze nip from base ministry and be squeezed to go out, or pass former a denaturation, by all round epithelial gobble up and be able to keep clear of.