glared in Czech

hleděl Entry edited by: Jaroslav Šedivý

Sentence patterns related to "glared"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "glared" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "glared", or refer to the context using the word "glared" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. He glared at her, despairing.

2. Jacob glared and muttered something.

3. He glared at her threateningly.

4. She glared at him accusingly.

5. The searchlights glared, illuminating the prison yard.

6. Two fierce eyes glared at them.

7. They glared defiance at me.

8. The sun glared out of the blue sky.

9. The sun glared down, dazzling them.

10. 1 She glared balefully at me.

11. The old woman glared at him.

12. Bright evening sunlight glared through the windscreen.

13. He glared at me with an air of accusation.

14. Two eyes glared at him beneath the mask.

15. Judge Blount glared at him with Apoplectic countenance, and silence reigned

16. Not wanting to talk back either, he simply glared.

17. He didn't shout, he just glared at me silently.

18. I looked at her and she glared furiously back.

19. He glared back ferociously so they reverted to the cakes, muttering darkly.

20. Roger glared angrily at her across the dinner table.

21. She glared angrily at everyone and stormed out of the room.

22. She glared at both of them with burning, reproachful eyes.

23. She glared at the glass with the newt in it.

24. Calls to prayer issued from mosques, and passersby glared at the soldiers.

25. Seeing me all bloody and limp, the two glared Blamingly at Maxwell

26. The hatchet-nosed man glared up from it, his wispy moustache Abristle

27. He drew himself up to his full height and glared at us.

28. Zhang Jun’s heart shuddered as he glared Blamingly at Lin Shan

29. The heaving mare glared back at him, too exhausted to move.

30. Her sapphire-blue eyes glinting with anger, Laura glared after his tall figure.

31. She glared down at me with a peevish expression on her face.

32. Briefly[], the hunter and his quarry glared at each other.

33. Willie glared at her for a moment, then he burst into laughter.

34. Scarlett glared at her and Prissy shrank back, trying to pull loose.

35. The servants glared angrily, eager to get the grisly business over and done with.

36. She put her hand defiantly on his arm and glared at the ring of faces.

37. The Colonel glared expectantly at the damp mob, trying to pinpoint the bad apple.

38. 5 The ginger tomcat glared up at her, its tail lashing furiously from side to side.

39. He glared down at us threateningly, arms braced against the high wall, weapon plainly visible.

40. The ginger tomcat glared up at her, its tail lashing furiously from side to side.

41. Philpot's goggle eyes rolled horribly as he glared silently at the circle and the two squares.

42. A nesting cormorant glared at us with green eyes, its black feathers glossed with a purple sheen.

43. His salacious grin faltered then disappeared and he glared at her, furious with himself for being tricked so easily.

44. The Scorpion glared Balefully at the Phoenix.: El Escorpión miró torvamente al Fénix.: Finally beaten, but still fuming, Hirota glared at her Balefully.: Derrotado finalmente, pero aún echando humo, Hirota la miró torvamente

45. 🔊 He glared at us with his arms Akimbo and head held high as if he was our master

46. / ˈbeɪl.f ə l.i / in a way that shows a threat to do something bad or hurt someone: She glared Balefully at me

47. (literary) in a way that seems to threaten to do something evil or to hurt somebody The bird glared Balefully at us.

48. In mounting anger she glared up at the taunting dark face, wondering how she could ever have thought his laughter attractive.

49. ‘His black, Beady eyes glared at her behind wrinkled cheeks and a round nose.’ ‘The blackbird in question is perched on a painted branch above the stairs, looking down with a Beady eye on a mural which commemorates many of the Chip's staff and regulars.’