giggling in Czech

chichotání Entry edited by: B2 giggling <n.> hihňání Entry edited by: B2 giggling <n.> chichotání Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "giggling"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "giggling" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "giggling", or refer to the context using the word "giggling" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Then, suddenly, she starts giggling.

2. We couldn't stop giggling.

3. Children were giggling and mouthing.

4. Giggling Gaby trampled over Wogan's gags.

5. The children were giggling and nudging each other.

6. Carol : Oh ! ( blushing ) Gosh! ( giggling ) Thank you.

7. Stop giggling, children; this is a serious matter.

8. I need a differential for uncontrollable giggling.

9. You can hear the Clunk of jaws dropping, then giggling

10. She's prone to giggling at the most inopportune moments.

11. Sincere prayers occasionally were interrupted with giggling and poking.

12. And he started giggling, he says, "I can see my phantom."

13. The woman, giggling overloudly, turned and Curtseyed to the pit

14. Still, she was able to berate Patsy and Betsy for giggling.

15. 4 I was tickling him, and he was laughing and giggling.

16. Cocksure had me giggling, nervous, intrigued, and so many other emotions

17. Yesterday he was giggling about a hole in a guy's head.

18. I was tickling him, and he was laughing and giggling.

19. ( GIGGLING ) You knew I always had a crush on you, right?

20. I'm the one who almost made it out of Agent Provocateur without giggling.

21. She looked round to make sure there was no giggling or silliness.

22. He won't let me, that pompous Portley-Rind and his gaggle of giggling sycophants.

23. So we peed in the showers, giggling, our hearts racing with the forbidden act.

24. Synonyms for Chortling include laughter, cachinnation, chuckling, giggling, guffawing, laughing, tittering, howling, boff and boffo

25. Antonyms for Blubbering include cheerful, happy, laughing, smiling, unemotional, chortling, chuckling, cackling, giggling and guffawing

26. The Labeques appeared on the landing, giggling, wearing black leather and clinking with glittery chains.

27. My group of giggling children lined up before the sea of blue mats .

28. The giggling spread like wildfire, and eventually forced the closing of some schools.

29. She is exuberant as she flies , then tumbles, giggling breathlessly at her own successful effort.

30. She told me about this with the secretive giggling attitude of an errant schoolgirl.

31. Taken in by the local orphanage, he runs into the predictable: tough older boys, giggling schoolgirls, angry parents.

32. The young woman he saw was neither a giggling schoolgirl, a serene debutante, nor a smiling fiancee.

33. Visitors that entered the house could hear something walking back and forth in the attic , and strange giggling sounds .

34. 14 The young woman he saw was neither a giggling schoolgirl, a serene debutante, nor a smiling fiancee.

35. All four comics got me giggling, but Hughley was the only one who tickled me till I was out of breath.

36. Concluding opens with the discovery that two of the schoolgirls have vanished in the night: searching, eavesdropping, worrying, jostling, and giggling all ensue

37. And she was giggling at him. Spread-eagled on the floor, her brocaded gown hitched up above her thighs, she taunted him between giggles.

38. In any case, there was none of the imperial pageantry depicted in Bertolucci's film "The Last Emperor", nor did I notice any giggling concubines in the kitchen.

39. * Crushes between child sims (behaviors like pulling hair, picking on sim, teasing, giggling) For the target sim * The target sim may or may not be aware of the crush

40. Acid can turn you into a gibbering, giggling wreck, make the world seem like a magical place, and in one sublime experience, even make Cardiff City's football ground look like the San Siro stadium.

41. Sure, from time to time I find my kids snuggling together giggling and enjoying themselves without running around stringing toilet paper through the house or spilling cheerios all over the kitchen.

42. However, one night of mind-blowing, soul-shattering ecstasy means you'll never in your life enjoy this magical creature's gentle nuzzling. (It feels like taking a bubble bath full of giggling puppies!

43. In her new memoir, Living Like A Runaway, she writes that she found it “strange” her Bandmates — Joan Jett, Jackie Fox, Cherie Currie and Sandy West — never spoke about boys and were “always giggling about other girls.”

44. Named for Norman Bates, the mentally unstable antagonist of the film Psycho, a Bates is a person who never threatens anyone's life directly, but very obviously gives off the "I'm going to kill you in your sleep and roll around in your blood giggling like a schoolgirl" vibe

45. ‘he was Burbling inanities’ ‘He could have burbled on, said things he didn't mean to say, kept it going just for appearances.’ ‘And along beside Mott's Road the stream is gurgling, babbling, chattering, bubbling, giggling, chortling, Burbling - so many words to express the natural joy, the hilarity of nature doing what it does best: glorifying God in its self.’