get after in Czech

[amer.] napadnout Entry edited by: Pavel Cvrček

Sentence patterns related to "get after"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "get after" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "get after", or refer to the context using the word "get after" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. You should know that you will get after paying.

2. Sales is a flaky business unless you get after it.

3. Sort of like the same sensation you get after sex

4. What did you get after you added up the totals?

5. A Buzzy is the happy feeling that you get after eating chocolate

6. Do you remember how low you used to get after a big loss?

7. Bitterness has a drying , astringent feeling, like the sensation you get after drinking very strong tea.

8. Network video is boiled atlast came , will to get after the Olympic Games run Internet business.

9. Most sciatica patients are delighted with the results they get after weeks or months of care.

10. The promotion to President that you finally get after many years of hard work is an example of the Culmination …

11. Adjusted gross income (AGI) is the number you get after you subtract your adjustments to income from your gross income

12. The equation for the slant Asymptote is the polynomial part of the rational that you get after doing the long division

13. The Bister Skull is a very valuable treasure that you can get after completing the Heisenberg's Factory Labyrinth Puzzle.This is the final Labyrinth …

14. Enfeeble is usually a skill to get after Brain Sap and Nightmare to use on enemy heroes with high damage to reduce their damage capabilities severely.

15. If someone wants to describe the feeling they get after receiving a good grade on a test or finishing a long-term project, they could say they are in a Blithe mood; similarly, a vacation from stressful work is a