ganglia in Czech

pl. ganglion Entry edited by: Josef Kosek ganglia <n.> ganglie Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "ganglia"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ganglia" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ganglia", or refer to the context using the word "ganglia" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. The Basal ganglia are a group of neurons (also called nuclei) located deep within the cerebral hemispheres of the brain.The Basal ganglia consist of the corpus striatum (a major group of Basal ganglia nuclei) and related nuclei

2. Athetosis is a nonprogressive disorder arising from damage to the basal ganglia

3. Although widely used, the term Basal ganglia is a misnomer, as ganglia are collection of cell bodies outside of the central nervous system

4. The Basal ganglia are involved primarily in processing movement-related information.

5. Annelids have a well-developed nervous system, a visible brain consisting of several cerebral ganglia, with smaller ganglia controlling each segment down the length of the nerve cords

6. Athetosis is a peculiar involuntary movement resulting from pathologic involvement of the basal ganglia

7. Conclusions: Adsd is an autosomal dominant basal ganglia disease mapping to chromosome 5q13.3-q14.1.

8. Basal ganglia Calcification is a very rare condition that happens when calcium builds up in your brain, usually in the basal ganglia, the part of your brain that helps control movement

9. Athetosis is a symptom primarily caused by the marbling or degeneration of the basal ganglia

10. Because sympathetic ganglia lie close to the vertebral column, sympathetic preganglionic fibers are generally short.

11. In the peripheral nervous system, Atp is involved in chemical transmission in sensory and autonomic ganglia.

12. Objective To investigate the relationship between basal ganglia calcification and acute hemiplegia syndrome ( AHS ) in infants.

13. The Basal ganglia is comprised of the striatum, which consists of the caudate nucleus and the putamen, the globus pallidus, the subthalamic nucleus, and the substantia nigra The Basal ganglia are primarily associated with motor control, since motor disorders, such as Parkinson’s or Huntington’s diseases stem from dysfunction of neurons within the Basal ganglia.

14. The word Basal refers to the fact that the Basal ganglia are found near the base, or …

15. You can begin to infer the relative location of the Basal ganglia from its name: “Basal” means “base,” or “bottom.” The Basal ganglia are located in the inferior (lower/-est or underneath) portion of the brain

16. 19 Objective To investigate the aetiology, pathogeny, clinic, and imaging of the hypoxia cerebropathy in bilateral basal ganglia.

17. A 2003 study using radioactive labeling demonstrated that the wasp stings precisely into specific ganglia of the roach.

18. Multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA) was used to decode Articulatory gestures in M1, cerebellum and basal ganglia

19. Acid-saline extract of cerebral ganglia stimulated protein synthesis by the mantle-collar tissue in vitro.

20. The Basal ganglia are a group of structures found deep within the cerebral hemispheres.The structures generally included in the Basal ganglia are the caudate, putamen, and globus pallidus in the cerebrum, the substantia nigra in the midbrain, and the subthalamic nucleus in the diencephalon.

21. You’re about to learn the other potential long-term effects of a stroke in the Basal ganglia

22. Athetosis is a condition marked by constant writhing movements. It's often caused by injury to basal ganglia

23. 12 Objective 90% glycerine was used to postbulbar inject to block the ophthalmic ganglia in the absolute glaucoma patients , that released their distress.

24. This means that the cerebral cortex is, in fact, part of the Cerebrum along with other structures like the hippocampus and the basal ganglia.

25. The Nucleus Accumbens, represented by NAc or NAcc is also known as Accumbens nucleus.It is a part of basal ganglia

26. Histologic findings reveal genuine ganglia in the adventitia, which often are also connected by a branch to the joint capsule.

27. The longitudinal cords are termed connectives and join a pair of ganglia with those which precede and succeed it.Sentence dictionary

28. 16 The Ventral Nerve-Cord consists of a series of ganglia lying on the floor of the thorax and abdomen.

29. The Amygdalae are located in the temporal lobe of the brain and are part of the basal ganglia—an important component of the limbic system

30. Patients with comprehension emotional Aprosody also showed a higher frequency of right-hemisphere lesions involving the basal ganglia and the temporoparietal cortex

31. How do pigs demonstrate Cephalization? Cephalization is defined by a gathering of ganglia, or nervous tissue, in the anterior end of the animal

32. Fortunately it’s not all bad news, because you’ll also learn how recovery is possible, and … Basal Ganglia Stroke: Recognizing the Long-Term Effects

33. In addition, micro-ganglia were found between the fine bundles of the vagus nerve; their neurons seem to have a visceral-afferent function.

34. Methods: The authors characterized a large family with autosomal dominant basal ganglia disease (Adsd) clinically and by MRI, MR spectroscopy (MRS), and SPECT

35. The opposite is true, too: new Behaviors can be hard because your brain’s basal ganglia, (the “autopilot” part), hasn’t taken over this behavior yet

36. Abulia is the relatively uncommon yet debilitating lack of spontaneous, goal-directed behaviour that is seen predominantly with lesions of the basal ganglia and the frontal lobes.

37. The absence of myenteric ganglia in Hirschsprung’s disease results in massively increased parasympathetic activity with abundant acetylcholine release and pseudo-obstruction in the aganglionic segment.

38. Basal ganglia stroke is a rare type of stroke that can lead to unique long-term effects, like emotional blunting or loss of spontaneous speech

39. The latter have the appearance of small ganglia and lie on the aliform muscles where the transverse nerve divides to innervate the individual muscle fibres.

40. The sinews are removed from the meat and it is trimmed so as to rid it of nerves, ganglia, teats and abscesses before being minced.

41. Acetylcholine in vertebrates is the major transmitter at neuromuscular junctions, autonomic ganglia, parasympathetic effector junctions, a subset of sympathetic effector junctions, and at …

42. Abulia is the relatively uncommon yet debilitating lack of spontaneous, goal-directed behaviour that is seen predominantly with lesions of the basal ganglia and the frontal lobes

43. The Basal ganglia are surrounded by a white mass of the cerebral hemisphere, and the individual nuclei that enter into their composition build the walls of the lateral cerebral chambers.

44. Ganglia and cysts of the supra- and infraspinous muscles can be imaged reliably with MRI, whereas sonography misses those with a purely infra-acromial location.

45. The corpus callosum, pyramidal tract, basal ganglia, four stacked body, choroid plexus and brain stem[sentencedict .com], etc. may shrink as a result of prolonged pressure.

46. And what they've done here is they've put electrodes in its ganglia and its brain and then a transmitter on top, and it's on a big computer tracking ball.

47. Temporary loss of mobility in the roach facilitates the second venomous sting at a precise spot in the victim's head ganglia (brain), in the section that controls the escape reflex.

48. 8 Objective To observe the effects of microencapsulated rabbit sciatic nerve tissue transplantation on substance P(SP) expression in dorsal root ganglia(DRG) after spinal cord hemisection injury (hSCI).

49. The Claustrum is a relatively thin layer of gray matter located between the white matter tracts of the external capsule and extreme capsule of the basal ganglia

50. Appendages of body re „ duced to Branchiae, present only in four species, and - - to the ventral copulatory 32 appendages of Alma and Criodrilus. The ganglia are crowded at the posterior end of …