from beneath in Czech

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Sentence patterns related to "from beneath"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "from beneath" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "from beneath", or refer to the context using the word "from beneath" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. If we warmed them from beneath...

2. She stared at us from beneath her fringe.

3. From beneath it he pulled a fifth of rum.

4. She watched the crowd from beneath the brim of her hat.

5. 6 A tuft of gray hair protruded from beneath her knit hat.

6. A lank forelock fell from beneath the hat bearing the tricolour cockade.

7. These Roman baths were supplied by natural hot springs from beneath the ground.

8. The question, in a lows somber voice, emerged from beneath two phosphorescent dots.

9. For the first time, Didier now shares the penguins'perspective from beneath the ice.

10. A tasteful inch of white cuff protruded from beneath his black suit coat.

11. Bush looked at the queen sheepishly at him from beneath her black and white hat.

12. Meanwhile Marcus's face, emerging from beneath the soiled stubble, was looking remarkably clean and young.

13. To obtain water some resorted to scraping dirty liquid from beneath the ruptured water pipes.

14. 24-hour daylight melts the ice from above, and ocean swells stress the ice from beneath.

15. You know, at night, I can actually feel gusts of frigid air coming from beneath your door.

16. Emerging from beneath the spray of the shower, she dried herself briskly before dressing with impatient fingers.

17. Either a hangman will kick the stool out from beneath your feet or you will rot in prison.

18. Then he noticed the dark eyes, smouldering with hate at him from beneath tangled strands of black hair.

19. I found Sue when I spotted her boots protruding from beneath a large, but fortunately very light, ceiling tile.

20. SMOKE Billowed from beneath the High Level Bridge in Gateshead as firefighters were called to tackle a fire started deliberately

21. It's not that I'd had the rug pulled from beneath me as much as the entire floor had been taken away.

22. The fan draws air in from beneath the Video Colposcope and exhausts the air out the back of the Video Colposcope

23. Bloodsuckers Lyrics: (Verse) / A thousand little elves / Coming up from beneath my bed / They gather 'round the campfire / And start singing the songs in my head / …

24. Two # mm wide strips of # mm thick steel, welded to the side pieces abutting the base of the box section, support the pressure vessel from beneath

25. A long-lost core of earth drilled up from Beneath mile-thick ice in northwestern Greenland in the 1960s has shown that in the past 1 million years -- …

26. Two 12 mm wide strips of 6 mm thick steel, welded to the side pieces abutting the base of the box section, support the pressure vessel from beneath.

27. Such was its immediate effect on the guests, that a cloud seemed to have rolled duskily from beneath the black crape, and dimmed the light of the candles.

28. Then those two / Strange pilgrims of the sanctuaries of sin / Brought from beneath their large Conniving cloaks / Two hidden baskets brimming with rich store / Of broken viands — pasties, jellies, meats, / Crumbs of

29. Brood 10 is a family of what are known as periodical cicadas, different to those that arrive annually, with almost the entire population crawling from beneath the earth in a single year

30. Smoke Billowed from beneath the High Level Bridge on the Gateshead side of the River Tyne Warning issued after fire incident Flames and thick smoke Billowed from the Express Linen Services laundry on Vale Road.

31. The spirits can be invoked from beneath the Great Water, responding to the rhythm of the dance to momentarily displace the soul of the living, so that for that brief shining moment, the acolyte becomes the god.

32. The Cyclic control, commonly called the Cyclic stick or just Cyclic, is similar in appearance on most helicopters to a control stick from a conventional aircraft.The Cyclic stick commonly rises up from beneath the front of each pilot's seat

33. The campers, stuck indoors as arctic rain pelts down, gaze Balefully out at a choppy Med and snarl at their dear ones He had had a disconcerting way of hanging his head and Balefully looking up at you from beneath girlishly thick lashes

34. ‘His Craggy visage stares from countless heroic portraits and statues.’ ‘A weather-worn face, as Craggy as the surrounding hills, grins out from beneath a grizzled beard.’ ‘The Craggy weather worn face had character and a person's life story was written there.’ ‘Gray stubble had grown on Thrasher's Craggy…

35. ‘She fights off Agonising back pain, sustained in a work injury two years ago, to keep the show on the road.’ ‘It relieved all my body's stress, even though the next day I would be in Agonising pain.’ ‘The trolley was pulled from beneath me and an Agonising pain shot through my body.’

36. ‘Her Chasteness was somehow the outward proof, the external manifestation, of a potential for sexual abandon all the more alluring for being hidden, invisible.’ ‘The passage has an almost classical Chasteness.’ ‘There was a streak of the carnal in her; a passion that seemed to slip from beneath the Chasteness imposed by the convent.’

37. The lower carrier (11, 12) is at least predominantly covered by the upper carrier (11) when it is located against the rear abutment, and protrudes at least predominantly from beneath the upper carrier (11) when it is located against a front abutment, when the door (2) is opened at an at least 90° angle.

38. ‘With its Canted fairways framed by windswept dunes, Spanish Bay is a tribute to Scottish golf.’ ‘But it does take me a while to work out that the Canted pillars with cups on top and pistons on the side are depth-charge catapults.’ ‘Tom suddenly slid out from beneath Aligore, skimming on his back across the Canted …

39. Belial disappeared from beneath the surface of the mirror, and his familiars appeared … to my scrying eyes as clearly as Belial had, their deeds and powers spoken by Belial’s now incorporeal voice … as they appeared in the mirror before me, their sigils also took shape in my grimoire, like lines of energy only slightly brighter than the