freedom of thought in Czech

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Sentence patterns related to "freedom of thought"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "freedom of thought" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "freedom of thought", or refer to the context using the word "freedom of thought" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. It's about individual freedom of thought.

2. The constitution guarantees freedom of thought and belief.

3. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.

4. The only one I know is freedom of thought and action.

5. With the freedom of thought, and the next is more painful.

6. Only by allowing the freedom of thought collisions, it can spark intelligence shines!

7. We believe that all men have the right to freedom of thought and expression.

8. Freedom of Thought Often I had just let my mind drift, dwelling on undesirable thoughts.

9. (b) Freedom of thought, conscience and belief which shall include academic freedom in institutions of learning;

10. On 20 October 2010 Fariñas was awarded the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought by the European Parliament.

11. In 200 Damas de Blanco was awarded The Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought by the European Parliament.

12. How were these cults to be consolidated so long as freedom of thought was the very basis of domestic life?

13. There is a feeling of freedom of thought, speech and action, limited only by the best interests of the family and of the individual.

14. Seventy years ago, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights affirmed this when 48 nations declared that “everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion.”

15. Professor Blitt’s scholarship explores the role of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in promoting international human rights norms, NGO regulation, and issues related to the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion or belief.

16. Afte: Association for Freedom of Thought and Expression: Afte: Association of Firearms and Toolmarks Examiners: Afte: Arab Federation for Technical Education: Afte: Affairs and Trade Employees: Afte: Association of Firearms Toolmarks Examiners: Afte: Air Force Test and Evaluation

17. All varieties of Collectivist creeds, wrote Ludwig von Mises, are united in their implacable hostility to the fundamental political institutions of the liberal system: majority rule, tolerance of dissenting views, freedom of thought, speech, and the press, equality of all men under the law

18. This model of education provides freedom for students and faculty from the constraints of politics and immigration restrictions that are serious Affronts to the freedom of thought that are counter to a vision of global peace and wisdom that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has enshrined for all citizens.

19. (Romans, chapter 14) The Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1989, recognized a child’s right to “freedom of thought, conscience and religion” and the right “to express his or her opinion freely and to have that opinion taken into account in any matter or procedure affecting the child.”

20. Under Law Number 1/PNPS/1965 on the Prevention of “Religious Abuse and/or Defamation”, commonly known in Indonesia as the blasphemy law (Undang-Undang Penodaan Agama) people may be imprisoned for “defamation” for as long as five years simply because they have peacefully exercised their right to freedom of expression or to freedom of thought, conscience or religion, which are protected under international human rights law.

21. Man must be able to think freely and he must be able to express his thoughts freely! He who is against this is not only fascist and primitive but at the same time is a very great coward also! Only the brave and the honorable men are never afraid of freedom of thought and freedom of expression of ideas! Just like the cockroaches do not like the light, evil minds also do not like the freedom of thoughts! Mehmet Murat ildan 

22. Man must be able to think freely and he must be able to express his thoughts freely! He who is against this is not only fascist and primitive but at the same time is a very great coward also! Only the brave and the honorable men are never afraid of freedom of thought and freedom of expression of ideas! Just like the cockroaches do not like the light,[sentencedict .com] evil minds also do not like the freedom of thoughts! Mehmet Murat ildan