flicking in Czech

flicking <n.> kmitání Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "flicking"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "flicking" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "flicking", or refer to the context using the word "flicking" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Learn some nifty pen flicking tricks.

2. The horse was flicking flies away with its tail.

3. He helped her up before flicking the reins.

4. Sam was flicking a flashlight on and off.

5. No flicking, no teleporting, no smoking out - - oh, and...

6. Antennule morphology and flicking kinematics facilitate odor sampling by the spiny lobster, Panulirus argus

7. Feld's design, the score's ceaseless Clackings set Buffy Miller's wrists flicking and shoulders shaking

8. The sound made flicking a wall switch off is of a completely different nature.

9. 21 Rory was holding the television remote control and was flicking rapidly through the channels.

10. Stomatopod Antennule design: the asymmetry, sampling efficiency and ontogeny of olfactory flicking J Exp Biol

11. The flight of some species is characterised by a distinctive "flicking" action quite different from swallows.

12. 7 A coot sat fidgeting on a bulky nest construction, flicking stems out of the way, pushing a twig into position.

13. He regarded the men beneath him impassively, his eyes flicking back and forth as they looked up at him.

14. 18 Luke took a few steps forward, then flicking his wrist, sent the lash out at waist-level.

15. Everything is onboard, and it jumped in response to the student just flicking on a desk lamp next to it.

16. Fresh Antennules from lobsters could be mounted on this mechanical lobster and moved by a computerized motor to reproduce the motion of a flicking antennule

17. While flicking the Antennule, they made high-speed, close-up videos of the eddies and filaments in the dye plume to determine if and how the dye …

18. He's clearly seen better days what with the singular ear flicking Agitatedly and the faded leather armor he's wearing, the favored equipment of any poorly-off bandit.

19. Liverpool and Tottenham are both sitting slightly too close to Lyon's Lisandro López, flicking their hair Coquettishly and laughing a bit too loudly at his jokes.

20. "This adorable seal pirouetted and Arabesqued around me before sliding in and flicking sand over itself in a final attempt to get me to play — and it nearly worked!" wrote photographer Martin Edser of this photo.

21. While flicking the Antennule, they made high-speed, close-up videos of the eddies and filaments in the dye plume to determine if and how the dye penetrated the array of chemosensory hairs at the Antennule's tip

22. Antennule flicking by marine crabs is an example of discrete odour capture (sniffing) where an array of chemosensory hairs is waved through the water to create a flow–no flow pattern based on a narrow range of speeds, diameters of and spacings between hairs.

23. " This adorable seal pirouetted and Arabesqued around me before sliding in and flicking sand over itself in a final attempt to get me to play — and it nearly worked!" Runner Up, British Waters Living Together — "Lovely Legs" by Arthur Kingdon.