fight tooth and nail in Czech

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Sentence patterns related to "fight tooth and nail"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fight tooth and nail" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fight tooth and nail", or refer to the context using the word "fight tooth and nail" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Uncle, I shall fight tooth and nail.

2. The whole profession fight tooth and nail against it.

3. They will fight tooth and nail against power transmission lines.

4. 17 The whole profession fight tooth and nail against it.

5. Americans may have to fight tooth and nail to election reform.

6. 4 The twins fight tooth and nail over the slightest disagreement.

7. The people of this country fight tooth and nail to protect their common homeland.

8. The African-Americans used to fight tooth and nail for the right to vote.

9. The people in this country fight tooth and nail to protect their common home.

10. Would the Europeans, for example, not fight tooth and nail against a weakening dollar?

11. 6 He's rich now,( but he had to fight tooth and nail for it.

12. 21 Would the Europeans, for example, not fight tooth and nail against a weakening dollar?

13. If attacked themselves, they will fiercely "fight tooth and nail" to avoid being wounded or captured.

14. 9 We had to fight tooth and nail to get the government to admit they were wrong.

15. I would fight tooth and nail to get out of going on all of her other errands.

16. 10 He would also fight tooth and nail to keep her from the likes of Tommy Allen.

17. There is another election coming on next fall, and he knows we are going to fight tooth and nail .

18. But don't expect transformative change to come from incumbents, most of whom will fight tooth-and-nail for the status quo.

19. 20 'Buildings fight tooth and nail over dogs,' said Steven Wagner[], a real-estate lawyer who represents many co-op and condo boards.

20. They will fight tooth and nail for the next five weeks and then for the next five years to keep things just the way they are.

21. While trumpetinghis party's successes so far in influencing health and tax policies, he said itwas more prepared than ever to "fight tooth and nail" for what wasright.

22. After the 9th round, the drivers from all over the world got ready to fight tooth and nail today showing an amazing feast of speed to us.

23. 22 They will fight tooth and nail for the next five weeks and then for the next five years to keep things just the way they are.

24. He'll fight tooth and nail to keep you safe: chasing down suspects, finding hidden narcotics — even summoning the willpower to avoid tasty treats when in hot pursuit.

25. 30 But before they reach that point of open and avowed defeat, they will fight tooth and nail to maintain the standard of excellence to which they have become accustomed.

26. But before they reach that point of open and avowed defeat,(Sentencedict) they will fight tooth and nail to maintain the standard of excellence to which they have become accustomed.