feminist in Czech

feminist <n.> feministka Entry edited by: B2 feminist feministický Entry edited by: B2 feminista Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "feminist"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "feminist" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "feminist", or refer to the context using the word "feminist" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. And most importantly, aren't Lacanian feminist explanations retreats from feminist politics, into psychoanalysis's traditional phallocentrism?

2. Left, political, lesbian, feminist agitprop.

3. Egalitarian feminist psychologists draw on both feminist and psychological criticisms of gender imbalance among psychologists.

4. He has strong feminist opinions.

5. Dead Men Can't Catcall Mug, Feminist Mug, Feminist Gifts, Feminism Mug, Catcall Mug, Liberal Coffee Mug sugarspoonmugs

6. Magnard was also a fervent feminist.

7. But method is not the whole of psychology, and no psychological method is intrinsically feminist or anti-feminist.

8. 17 Unlike the versions of feminist psychology examined before, associative feminist psychologies are rarely deliberately or self-consciously adopted.

9. She describes herself as an unreconstructed feminist.

10. Feminist ideas are interrelated with philosophical ideas.

11. She embraced the feminist cause with enthusiasm.

12. There are various strands in feminist thinking.

13. This is broadly the radical feminist viewpoint.

14. Egalitarian feminist psychologists often revise psychological methods, but they reject the possibility that feminist psychology needs a specifically woman-centred method.

15. Current feminist theory consists of several different trends.

16. Feminist, Adolesced to punk, very tall, raw foodie .

17. Let's make the feminist revolution a humanist revolution.

18. Antonyms for Androcentric include gynocentric, feminist and matriarchal

19. 12 Cartesianism and Its Feminist Promise and Limits

20. I turn then to recent feminist Christological positions.

21. What does Lacanian psychoanalysis offer to feminist psychologists?

22. He was infamous for his anti-feminist attitudes.

23. Lesbian feminist psychologists' research focuses mainly on sexuality.

24. Brechtian Theory/ Feminist Theory Toward a Gestic Feminist Criticism Elin Diamond This essay begins and ends with a short text on pointing

25. Founder of Bravely Go, English major, financial feminist

26. All her life she was an ardent feminist.

27. (3) Stephanie Genz contends that the new '"postfeminist woman" [.] has variously been described as an antifeminist Backlasher, a sexually assertive "do-me feminist," a prowoman, pseudo-feminist and a feminine Girlie feminist'.

28. The third edition of the Feminist Theory Reader Anthologizes the important classical and contemporary works of feminist theory within a multiracial transnational framework

29. Being a feminist doesn't necessarily make you a misandrist.

30. Feminist psychologists are often reluctant to call on psychoanalysis.

31. Acclaimed Egyptian feminist Nawal Saadawi dies at age 89

32. 6 Lesbian feminist psychologists' research focuses mainly on sexuality.

33. What does the word "feminist" conjure up for you?

34. She's been an outspoken feminist for over twenty years.

35. The essay first appeared in an anthology of feminist criticism.

36. Feminist concerns would be articulated in any idiom deemed appropriate.

37. Send a message to the feminist association Voix d'Elles-Rebelles.

38. The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory.

39. She's a feminist, in the broadest sense of the word.

40. "Fall in Line" has been described as a feminist anthem.

41. Her book looks at his writings from a feminist slant.

42. Saying that to a feminist is just asking for trouble.

43. Frozen is "a bit of a feminist movie for Disney.

44. 7 She's been an outspoken feminist for over twenty years.

45. Feminist organizations and the media appeared almost impenetrable to us.

46. I be close to a liberalist and a cultural feminist.

47. 29 Her book looks at his writings from a feminist slant.

48. The ethicist Carol Gilligan offers a feminist model of human development.

49. Bitch is published by the nonprofit Bitch Media feminist media organization

50. The exhibition became a milestone in feminist analysis of contemporary culture.