evangelism in Czech

evangelism <n.> hlásání evangelia Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "evangelism"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "evangelism" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "evangelism", or refer to the context using the word "evangelism" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Beefishness Promote evangelism and to carve

2. In the Bible, Apologetics is synonymous with evangelism:

3. □ What is the theme of modern-day Biblical evangelism?

4. Unfortunately, most evangelism is done Attractionally or very “Western” (i.e

5. And more recently, the commercializing of evangelism has become notorious.

6. Adventist Toolbox is the best Adventist evangelism and spiritual revival materials offline

7. Evangelism was the prerogative and the duty of every Church member. . . .

8. Behold Me, Behold Me: Evangelism that Glorifies God - Kindle edition by Platt, S.M.

9. He further wrote: “Evangelism was the very life blood of the early Christians.”

10. One man said that evangelism is simply “not part of the Catholic psyche.”

11. THE end of the 18th century saw winds of evangelism begin to blow across Europe.

12. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Behold Me, Behold Me: Evangelism that Glorifies God.

13. 22 Often, the people most committed to the use of charismatic gifts are those most inept in evangelism.

14. Bethany long-term workers and partners serve in pioneer evangelism, church planting, mission and leadership training, and Kingdom justice: mercy ministries, access to scriptures, providing discipleship and evangelism materials, and fielding short term teams that strategically partner with field ministries

15. Copts trace their ancestry to the pre-Islamic Egyptians and their faith to the evangelism of St

16. Encouraging, teaching, & discipling - Booklets and mini books are quick reads for evangelism, outreach, and simple solutions to life's issues.

17. The mission of Abyssinian Baptist Church is to win more souls for Christ through Evangelism, Pastoral Care, Christian Education, Social

18. 25 Often, the people most committed to the use of charismatic gifts are those most inept in evangelism.

19. Here is scriptural warrant for house to house evangelism as well as that carried on in public meetings.”

20. By admin Apr 28, 2018 Administrator, Baptist News, Burmese (Myanmar), Evangelism, God's Will 0 Dr HL Champion Baptist.org Admin

21. Adventists are cautious, however, to ensure that evangelism does not impede or intrude on the basic rights of the individual

22. Colporteur Trade Academy exists to enable qualified Seventh-day Adventists to learn and master the trade of Literature Evangelism

23. Its purpose was to accelerate the forward movement of evangelism throughout the world by giving further training to the evangelists.

24. Cursillo is a movement, a method and a ministry.The key elements of the Episcopal Cursillo Ministry are relationship, evangelism, and reconciliation in the

25. 13 “The hand distribution of religious tracts is an age-old form of missionary evangelism —as old as the history of printing presses.

26. CARM is a nonprofit, non-denominational, multi-staffed Christian Apologetics Ministry that supports evangelism, radio outreach, and provides full-time support for several foreign missionaries

27. After ramping, you will be pressing either Spirit Shell (With the Clarity of Mind legendary) or Evangelism , increasing all your active Atonements by

28. Packer, Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God, it has become common to designate the two truths, that God is utterly sovereign and human beings are morally responsible, as an Antinomy

29. “Churching” the unchurched is a terminology used by many mega churches or purpose driven churches and if you have never heard of it, (let me begin by bursting the bubble) it actually has nothing to do with evangelism

30. The version of the Great Commission recorded in Matthew 28:18-20 became the watchword of the Western missionary movement--perhaps emblematic of its Activistic voluntarism, grand strategies, focus on evangelism, and emphasis on the use of means.

31. Essentially a reprint of The Colporteur Evangelist, this compilation of statements regarding the canvassing work highlights the importance of the publishing ministry, the need for the literature to be carried to the world, and the qualifications needed in Colporteur evangelism

32. Essentially a reprint of The Colporteur Evangelist, this compilation of statements regarding the canvassing work highlights the importance of the publishing ministry, the need for the literature to be carried to the world, and the qualifications needed in Colporteur evangelism

33. Evangelical church, any of the classical Protestant Churches or their offshoots, but especially in the late 20th century, Churches that stress the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ, personal conversion experiences, Scripture as the sole basis for faith, and active evangelism (the winning of personal commitments to Christ).

34. A two-day clergy professional development conference organized by the Ministerial Association of the North American Division explored the definition of Adventist evangelism, highlighted challenges in achieving church growth, showcased innovative examples of service, and provided guidance for the new and evolving realities created by the COVID-19 pandemic.

35. ‘Ironically, Wesley was a staunch Arminian, though his lyrics are sung by some collegians as though his Calvinist friend and fellow evangelist George Whitefield could have written them.’ ‘Spurgeon and Clifford were personal friends, but Spurgeon was a Calvinist who emphasized evangelism and Clifford was an Arminian who emphasized social

36. The Blustering rudeness of contemporary atheists appears to have driven at least one person closer to God: A new form of Christian evangelism: atheist conferences « Anglican Samizdat Why McKenna's mentioned Alex Salmond in an abysmal piece about some media fodder Rangers footballer and why he believes Salmond will talk about it in an arrogant

37. On one of ABC’s Nightline series of programs on the televangelists, ABC correspondent Marshall Frady said: “At the least, as a number have begun to notice, all the trappings of modern television evangelism seem a long way from the original simplicity of that intense young Galilean mystic without property, without any boards of directors, who just trudged about a dusty corner of the earth talking, two thousand years ago.”