ergo in Czech

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Sentence patterns related to "ergo"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ergo" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ergo", or refer to the context using the word "ergo" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Ergo, a fresh-wind reminder.

2. Ergo, RESPONSIBILITY is more important than anything else!

3. Rescipe ergo in me oculis misercordiae tuae...

4. Cogitative (Thesaurus) cogitation cogito, ergo sum* Trending

5. Ergo Grips Armorers Block for AR-10

6. The conclusion, ergo sum, is not entailed.

7. And, ergo, his buddy is guaranteed a profit.

8. Primo ergo fit excitatio ad Abjectionem amoris male accendentis

9. Quibus ego, Tunc ergo non facitis ista nisi propter Adulationem hominum

10. Quibus ego, Tunc ergo non facitis ista nisi propter Adulationem hominum.

11. Ergo: CO2 molekyler fra fossilt brensel i 1 m3 luft Absorberer: 5,75J

12. Ergo, these facilities have been marked as the likely rail transfer points.

13. Latin words for Consequently include proinde, ergo, ita, igitur, itaque, concludenter and proin

14. The ERGO Insurance Group has launched an advertising offensive for its new brand.

15. Neither side would have an incentive to start a war. Ergo, peace would reign.

16. Ita ergo Clamant haec omnia, sanguis fratris, fides matris, destitutio miseri, et miseria destituti

17. Synonyms for Consequently include ergo, hence, therefore, thus, accordingly, necessarily, so, in consequence, then and thusly

18. The people nearby who drank beer did not get cholera: ergo, contaminated water spread the disease.

19. Ergo, your principle is to use powerful words in order to convey ideas and actions.

20. This ERGO Armorers Block is one of the most useful maintenance accessories available for an AR-10

21. Blemishing (steel sheet) spontanost desfiladero polysorbate storm cellar lackey (n.) zwanger cogito ergo sum carte fleksibel nf

22. Excellent comfot and fi t due the techncial construction and progressive cushioning of the Ergo 2D insert.

23. Ergo, those that refused the program, while a minority, if unchecked would constitute an escalating probability of disaster.

24. Sign In For Price Starting at $2,099.99 TEMPUR-Flex Prima 10" Mattress with Ergo Plus Adjustable Base

25. Ergo: gullible viewers should keep a 24-carat caveat emptor in mind every time they pick up the remote.

26. Jaakko Hintikka created a new paradigm in the domain of interpretation on the "Cogito, ergo sum" proposition, namely the Performatory Interpretation.

27. Attribuenda ergo est Deo beatitudo secundum intellectum, sicut et aliis beatis, qui per Assimilationem ad beatitudinem ipsius, beati dicuntur

28. 1.475.3 Keil: ergo una longa pedem non ualebit efficere, quia ictibus duobus Arsis et thesis, non gemello tempore perquirenda est

29. This fallacy gets its name from the Latin phrase "post hoc, ergo propter hoc," which translates as "after this, therefore because of this."

30. Although it’s generally viewed as an algae, this pervasive little organism has properties from both algae and bacteria (ergo, it’s name “Cyanobacteria”).

31. This arrangement, rather like the spacing of our eyes (making Earth the schnoz in this analogy), allows for depth perception, ergo 3-D.

32. 6.14.43, ’quid ergo restat? an ut, quoniam sicut potuimus inquinationem et Aggravationem animae consideravimus, videamus quaenam illi actio divinitus imperetur, qua purgata atque exonerata revolet ad …

33. The spokesman said the group in 200 ERGO insurance companies in the Hungarian capital Budapest spa resort Gai Liete held a party resort, about 100 participants.

34. Verum ergo id est, si quis in coelum ascendisset, naturamque mundi et pulchritudinem siderum perspexisset, insuavem illam Admirationem ei fore, quae jucundissima fuisset, si aliquem cui narraret habuisset

35. Asperges me (WAB 3.1): this work in Aeolian mode was composed for the Asperges of Septuagesima Sunday till the 4th Sunday of Lent Asperges me (WAB 3.2): this work in F major was composed for the Asperges of Passion Sunday Tantum ergo (WAB 32): this first setting of 36 bars in D major of the Tantum ergo for choir a cappella was composed during the fall 1845.

36. Sed melius non dicitur nisi per accessum ad optimum; accessus autem est secundum maiorem Assimilationem: nullus ergo scit, utrum hoc sit illo melius, nisi sciat, illud optimo magis assimilari…

37. Cass Creek Ergo Predator Call, Handheld Electronic Game Call, CC010, Compact Design, 5 Calls In 1, Coyote Call, Expert Calls for Everyone 4.2 out of 5 stars 191 $19.97 $ 19

38. Nearby was the monster Scylla and sailors passing through the area had to choose between facing (and surviving) either of the two, ergo the idiom "Between Scylla and Charybdis"

39. Scito ergo et Animadverte ab exitu sermonis ut iterum aedificetur Hierusalem usque ad christum ducem ebdomades septem et ebdomades sexaginta duae erunt et rursum aedificabitur platea et muri in angustia temporu

40. The name "Cogers" comes from Descartes' famous assertion, Cogito ergo sum.As a "Society of Thinkers", the Cogers is dedicated to the philosophy of letting everyone express their thoughts

41. Sed primum obiectum intellectus nostri naturale est ens inquantum ens; ergo intellectus noster potest naturaliter habere actum circa quodcumque ens, et sic circa quodcumque intelligibile non-ens, quia negatio cognoscitur per Affirmationem 1.

42. Daniel 9:25 Scito ergo, et Animadverte: Ab exitu sermonis, ut iterum aedificetur Ierusalem, usque ad Christum ducem, hebdomades septem, et hebdomades sexaginta duae erunt: et rursum aedificabitur platea, et muri in angustia temporum

43. The term derives from the fact that cows produce copious amounts of intestinal gas on a continual basis, ergo, to "go Cowing" is to intentionally go out in public to flatulate like a cow.

44. Dicatur ergo alia via, quae manifestat intentione Philosophi: hic supponit Philosophus primo, quod una et eadem scientia est primi entis, et illorum, quae habent Attributionem ad primum ens; quia quae sunt infra unam Attributionem, sunt unius scientiae.

45. Cogitatingly cogitation cogitative cogitatively cogito ergo sum cognac cognate cognate relationship cognate term cognate word cognateness cognatic cognation cognition cognition disorder cognitive cognitive ability cognitive action cognitive appraisal cognitive-appraisal theory cognitive approach cognitive-awareness level cognitive behavior

46. Antitheism has nothing to do with existence of god (for there are no positions on the existence of god other than the three described in 2 above and Antitheism is a fourth possibile position on god) Ergo 4

47. For perception in any subject is vain, unless it can desire, and Appetence is useless, unless it can move.: Ergo, the terrestrial or the Life of Nature ever the shadow and opposite of the Divine is appropriative, absorbing Appetence.

48. Verum ergo illud est quod a Tarentino Archyta, ut opinor, dici solitum nostros senes commemorare audivi ab aliis senibus auditum: 'si quis in caelum ascendisset naturamque mundi et pulchritudinem siderum perspexisset, insuavem illam Admirationem ei fore; quae iucundissima fuisset, si aliquem, cui narraret, habuisset.'

49. Ergo patet quod esse est aliud ab essentia vel quidditate: nisi forte sit aliquo res cujus quidditas sit suum esse; et haec res non potest esse nisi una et prima; quia impossibile est ut fiat plurificatio alicujus, nisi per Additionem alicujus differentiae.

50. Ergo, ensure that the ambitions of those occupying Coequal power centers would suffice to maintain a balance: presidents would be checked not only by the Constitution, but by Congress, whose members would fight to maintain their own rightful powers and challenge any attempts to undermine it