equal marginal utility of income in Czech

[eko.] ekvivalentní marginální užitek z příjmu Entry edited by: RNDr. Pavel Piskač

Sentence patterns related to "equal marginal utility of income"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "equal marginal utility of income" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "equal marginal utility of income", or refer to the context using the word "equal marginal utility of income" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. In particular, it's the negative of the marginal utility of movies over the marginal utility of pizza.

2. Now, in particular, your marginal utility for pizzas at that point -- what's the marginal utility for pizzas?

3. Just that they have diminishing marginal utility.

4. The marginal cost should equal the marginal revenue for each plant.

5. The profit-maximizing policy involves setting marginal revenue equal to marginal cost.

6. In a competitive market, prices should equal marginal costs.

7. The Response of Consumption to Predictable Income Changes Earlier attempts at testing the implication of the theory that the marginal utility is a martingale relied on the special case of quadratic preferences.

8. If your marginal utility for movies is very high, then you need a lot of pizzas.

9. Typically, as one's income grows, a higher marginal rate of tax must be paid.

10. Marginal Revenue Product - The additional income generated by using one more unit of input.

11. If the marginal contribution of different members in an organization is equal to the marginal revenue they receive from the organization, the organization achieves equilibrium.

12. The marginal value product less the marginal cost for each output must equal the return to the fixed and allocatable resource (land).

13. These are the bundles at which Crusoe's and Friday's Marginal rate of substitution are equal.

14. The top marginal rate does not apply in certain years to certain types of income.

15. The Scheme was introduced to augment the income of the Small and Marginal Farmers (SMFs).

16. The rent was equal to half his monthly income.

17. Marginal Propensity to Consume is the proportion of an increase in income that gets spent on consumption

18. 2 What marginal tax rate applies to taxable income which falls between $ 000 and $ 000?

19. In addition, the homogeneity property (according to which average and marginal returns are equal) is tested.

20. For the economy to be in equilibrium, income must equal expenditure.

21. During the 1990s, marginal income tax rates rose and the U.S. created 21.6 million net new jobs.

22. During the 1980s, marginal income tax rates were lowered and the U.S. created 18.3 million net new jobs.

23. 12 Traditional hedonistic utilitarians who prefer the latter outcome often try to justify egalitarian distributions of goods by appealing to a principle of diminishing marginal utility.

24. To attain efficiency, it would be expected that factors of production would be allocated so that their marginal products would be equal.

25. In addition to a global wealth tax, Piketty recommends an 80% marginal tax rate on income for the United States.