epigraph in Czech

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Sentence patterns related to "epigraph"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "epigraph" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "epigraph", or refer to the context using the word "epigraph" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Epigraph: Quotation in book preliminaries.

2. In our chapter example, the epigraph is like a short section containing two blocks: the attribution , and the epigraph .

3. Every cut of ancient epigraph of this kind is precious.

4. This article consists one epigraph and the other six chapters.

5. Each chapter begins with an epigraph, a quote to enlighten and amuse.

6. Ashurbanipal 023: Inscription from the Ištar Temple: Kuyunjik (Nineveh) slab: Ashurbanipal 024: Epigraph 1: Kuyunjik (Nineveh) slab (sculptured) Ashurbanipal 025: Epigraph 2: Kuyunjik (Nineveh) slab (sculptured) RINAP 5 : Ashurbanipal and Successors

7. Emerson's words might also serve as an epigraph for the pages that follow.

8. The epigraph to the chapter read:'One man's freedom is another man's slavery'.

9. This thesis is divided into five parts: epigraph and Part I to Part IV .

10. You can see the experts' valuable epigraph here; we devote the true scene of the forum to you here!

11. The epigraph, quotes from Michel Foucault and V.S. Naipaul about memory and consciousness, suggests how the novel should be read.

12. The novel's epigraph states "Promise kept", and at the end Patricia says: "You asked my permission to write your story.

13. Four exhibition halls, located in memorial, display 195 Yang Zirong's relics, practicalities and other literature and 240 pieces of photographs, portraits, paintings and epigraph .

14. Even the epigraph to The Line of Beauty - a passage from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - suggests a playfulness at odds with his ascetic reputation.

15. The monotonicity, in some meaning, of subdifferential of prox regular functions and the relationships between prox regular of function and its epigraph are studied in this paper.

16. Former President Jiang Zemin inscribed an epigraph of "Talents come forth in great number" for ECUST on the thirtieth anniversary ceremony of Petroleum Processing Department in 19

17. These literatures are included in The Bamboo Slips of Chu Collected in Shanghai Museum, The Bamboo-slips Excavated from Guodian Chu Tomb, The Epigraph on the Three Bronzes of Pingshan.

18. The epigraph "Nihil sapientiae odiosius acumine nimio" (Nothing is more hateful to wisdom than excessive cleverness) attributed by Poe to Seneca was not found in Seneca's known work.

19. As an old woman she stumped the country providing emancipation with an eloquent epigraph: "Give 'em land and an outset, and hab teachers learn 'em to read. Den they can be somebody."

20. Vatican experts claim the tomb's position, underneath the epigraph Paulo Apostolo Mart (Paul the Apostle and Martyr), at the base of the main altar is proof that it belongs to the apostle.

21. "Epigraph on Circulation of Oi, " an inscription on a piece of jade of the Warring States Period, shows that people at that time already knew how to nourish Qi and guide its flow in the body.

22. Convexity Convex Function: Function f defined on a convex set is convex if f(αx+(1−α)y) ≤ αf(x) +(1−α)f(y) (0 < α < 1) Equivalent definition: Function f is convex if its epigraph is a convex set.

23. Crevasse, Nicholas Wong’s newest collection of poetry, starts with an epigraph from Maurice Merleau-Ponty that notes the impossibility of observing one’s own physical body and, therefore, the necessity of a “second,” “unobservable” body from which to view one’s own.Crevasse collects poems that seek to uncover the seam connecting these mutually observed and observing bodie