entrench in Czech

hluboce zakořenit etablovat utvrdit definitivně zavést rušivě zasahovat pevně zakotvit pevně usadit

Sentence patterns related to "entrench"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "entrench" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "entrench", or refer to the context using the word "entrench" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. They entrench themselves behind undeniable facts.

2. A new year looks sure entrench old resentments.

3. To hold on stubbornly, as to a position; entrench oneself.

4. Indeed, it could entrench certain people's view of themselves as anti - Western outsiders.

5. Now China needs a leader who understandings that only freedom can entrench prosperity.

6. SIA and Singapore need to entrench themselves in the new Asia , where China calls the shots.

7. It would entrench the position of incumbent institutions that are already too large and too diverse.

8. We will create a Supreme Court to entrench and defend these fundamental reforms to the relationship between the citizen and the state.

9. 10 is Applauden ford entrench - ing religou orthodoxs whilsy Copernicust befor, e him is applaude for challengind g this

10. He took no precautions beyond strengthening his picket lines, and refused to entrench, build abatis, or push out reconnaissance patrols.

11. We will reform recent legislation affecting the independent channels to entrench the interests of quality broadcasting and to guarantee political independence.

12. As the essential measure to secure and entrench lasting reform we will introduce fair votes by proportional representation for Parliamentary elections.

13. When disturbed, a Chuckwalla will wedge itself into a tight rock crevice, gulp air, and inflate its body in order to entrench

14. When combined with Entrench, Barricade allows you to increase your Block to incredibly high levels, up to the maximum of 999 Block

15. But if the managers' stockholding ratio is more than or equal to 88%, the increasement of the managers' stockholding may raise the agent costs and entrench upon external stockholders.

16. In a word, Milnerism, as it came to be called, helped to entrench the racist version of Afrikaner nationalism that eventually gave birth to the political policy of apartheid.

17. Joe Manchin has scuttled any plans to change the filibuster; by extension he has destroyed Democratic hopes to entrench themselves in power by admitting new states, packing the courts, Amnestying illegal immigrants or passing national ‘voting rights’ legislation.

18. This chapter argues that the territorial incoherence of the second-century Attalid kingdom, combined with exceptionally fragile state legitimacy, impelled the Attalid monarchs to develop an entirely new and original framework of state institutions to entrench their power

19. Synonym: plural relations 1994, Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom, Abacus 2010, pages 127-8: The premise of Apartheid was that whites were superior to Africans, Coloureds and Indians, and the function of it was to entrench white supremacy forever.· (by