endemic species in Czech

[eko.] endemický druh Entry edited by: RNDr. Pavel Piskač

Sentence patterns related to "endemic species"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "endemic species" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "endemic species", or refer to the context using the word "endemic species" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Anoa is an endangered endemic species in Sulawesi

2. Bontebok, damaliscus dorcas, endemic species of fynbos vegetation, southern cape

3. Bonteboks, damaliscus dorcas, endemic species of fynbos vegetation, southern cape

4. Bonteboks, damaliscus dorcas, endemic species of fynbos vegetation, southern cape

5. More specifically, Babirusas are an endemic species found only on several Indonesian islands

6. Bilineated beauty Melanophidium bilineatum, an endemic species of shieldtail that is rarely photographed

7. Tectona hamiltoniana (Dahat teak) is a local endemic species confined to Burma, where it is endangered.

8. The birds of New Zealand evolved into an avifauna that included a large number of endemic species.

9. Therefore many local forms have evolved, giving rise to the predominance of endemic species within the genus Cryptocoryne.

10. Owing to its antiquity, the Namib may be home to more endemic species than any other desert in the world.

11. Rhododendron luteum and Haplophyllum megalanthum are only found on Lesvos, Alyssum lesbiacum being the only endemic species on the island.

12. There are 11 endemic fish species and 14 endemic species of decapod crustaceans in the rivers and lakes of New Caledonia.

13. The park also hosts a list endemic species such as 43 different species of vertebrates and 220–720 different plant species.

14. Quercus Afares Pomel is an endemic species that grows as a small relict population in Northern Tunisia, together with Quercus suber L

15. On the edge of the park lies the Botanic Garden of Cortijuela, where the endemic species of the Sierra are investigated and preserved.

16. Other noteworthy endemic species are Afronemacheilus abyssinicus, which is one of only two African stone loaches, and the tana subspecies of the Nile tilapia.

17. There is a rich Adiantum flora in New Zealand with 3 endemic species (A. cunninghamii, A. viridescens and A. fulvum) in a total of 10 recorded species.

18. Donors should also be found for the restoration of abandoned quarries (landscaping as habitat for endemic species), completing the air and water monitoring system (equipment) and expansion of the beach improvement program.

19. We tested this with noctuid moths from the islands of Tahiti and Moorea, sites where bats have never existed and where an earlier study demonstrated that the ears of endemic species resemble those of Adventives although partially reduced in sensitivity.

20. The area has certain objective particularities due to: its mountainous relief; its Alpine-like climate, with cold, dry winters and fairly cool and wet summers; and, above all, its flora, with its numerous endemic species found in rocky areas but also in mountain pastures.