emission reduction noncompliance penalty in Czech

emission reduction, noncompliance penalty [eko.] redukce emisí, pokuta za nesplnění Entry edited by: RNDr. Pavel Piskač

Sentence patterns related to "emission reduction noncompliance penalty"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "emission reduction noncompliance penalty" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "emission reduction noncompliance penalty", or refer to the context using the word "emission reduction noncompliance penalty" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. 13 Some criminals would select the extreme penalty of castration in exchange for a penalty reduction.

2. Environmental regulations were a key driving force for pulp mills in emission reduction and pollution abatement cost reduction.

3. In general, the estimated cost of emission reduction is about EUR500/ktonne abated.

4. on the estimated emission abatement costs (price difference for oil with low sulphur levels and costs of technical emission reduction, respectively).

5. AES AgriVerde concentrates on agriculture, biomass, reforestation landfill and coal mine methane emission reduction.

6. We have stressed that developed countries need to come up with ambitious emission reduction numbers.

7. Any student in noncompliance will be expelled.

8. Iron ore pellets with reduction of abrasion, sticking, degradation and dust emission, and its production process

9. The lower pH value contributes to both the reduction of the pathogens and lower ammonia emission levels.

10. Spiritleech Aura combines poorly with Anguish, as the damage reduction penalty significantly reduces the effectiveness of this spirit

11. The stronger the abatement actions are, the higher the macroeconomic cost of per unit emission reduction would be.

12. Other names for emissions permits are carbon credits, Kyoto units, assigned amount units, and Certified Emission Reduction units (CER).

13. The amount of allowances to be allocated is determined by multiplying historic emission data by a ‘compliance factor’ (Erfüllungsfaktor) determined on the basis of the emission reduction objective to be achieved.

14. Use of a special hydrophilic surface preparation has demonstrated a significant reduction of tonal acoustic noise emission after heavy rain.

15. In theory, polluters who can reduce emissions most cheaply will do so, achieving the emission reduction at the lowest cost to society.

16. 27 The most severe penalty he could receive would be a suspension of pay, reduction in rank or confinement to the barracks.

17. “A 50 percent reduction in the emissions of sulfur and nitrogen gases,” it is stated, “will produce about a 50 percent reduction in the acids falling on the land and water downwind of the emission source.”

18. Death penalty!

19. Acoustic emission

20. Another illegal contact penalty was nullified by an off-setting penalty.

21. In September 2009, the BMC received its first advance cheque of R24.51 crore from the Asian Development Bank based on a 2008 Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement.

22. In this context the associated non-linear effects can result in significant reduction of the amplified spontaneous emission level in relation to the ultra-fast (femtosecond) pulse.

23. Auctioning of New Zealand Units (NZUs) is being introduced into the NZ ETS to align the supply of units in the scheme with New Zealand’s emission reduction targets

24. An Abatement is a cancellation of a penalty or the interest on the penalty

25. 26 The extreme penalty of the law in some countries is the death penalty.