dynastic in Czech

dynastic dynastický Entry edited by: B2 dynastic dynastický Entry edited by: Petr Prášek

Sentence patterns related to "dynastic"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dynastic" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dynastic", or refer to the context using the word "dynastic" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Catherine looked to further Valois interests by grand dynastic marriages.

2. Narmer was an ancient Egyptian king of the Early Dynastic Period.

3. Indirectly, Brooke had become involved in an internal dynastic dispute of Brunei.

4. Isaac II Angelos strengthened his position as emperor with dynastic marriages in 1185 and 1186.

5. “Dynastic, Bombastic, Fantastic” is an interesting and informed history of the “Swingin’ A’s” of the 1970’s

6. I lived through dynastic times, the early republic, warlords, Japanese invasion and civil war.

7. Whether the horseman was a dynastic emblem or a portrait of the king as a cavalryman is unclear.

8. Bibcock Allan-Robinson reaction cansar-se punatulkku twenty four dynastic histories (or 25 or 26 in modern editions), fig

9. After 90 BC, the Parthian power was diminished by dynastic feuds, while at the same time, Roman power in Anatolia collapsed.

10. The County of Barcelona and the Kingdom of Aragon entered in a dynastic union and gained territory and power in the Mediterranean.

11. What does Bonapartist mean? A follower or supporter of Napoleon I and his policies and dynastic claims or of the Bonaparte family

12. Abbasid was the dynastic name generally given to the caliphs of Baghdad, the second of the two great dynasties of the Muslim empire

13. The Brewery dates to the late Predynastic or Early Dynastic Period around 3100–2900 BCE, when Egypt was first beginning to form into a state

14. During the times of dynastic troubles (such as the years of Ivan IV's minority), Boyardom constituted an internal force which was a permanent threat to the throne

15. Cleopatra strove to create a dynastic and political union between Egypt and Rome, but the assassination of Caesar and the defeat of Mark Antony doomed her plans.

16. During the times of dynastic troubles (such as the years of Ivan IV's minority), Boyardom constituted an internal force that was a permanent threat to the throne

17. During the times of dynastic troubles (such as the years of Ivan IV's minority), Boyardom constituted an internal force which was a permanent threat to the throne

18. During the times of dynastic troubles (such as the years of Ivan IV's minority), Boyardom constituted an internal force that was a permanent threat to the throne

19. Bes (also spelt as Bisu) was an Egyptian deity worshipped in the later periods of dynastic history as a protector of households and in particular mothers and children

20. So, the size of the armies for these megalomaniac wars, these dynastic wars between Austria and France and then they changed partners in 17 and all of this business.

21. No one inside or outside can remove its anachronistic dynastic-communist regime, and no outsider can hope to modify quickly the policy behavior of its fossilized military, party, and administrative bureaucrats.

22. Brandenburg, margravate, or mark, then an electorate of the Holy Roman Empire, located in the northeastern lowlands of Germany; it was the nucleus of the dynastic power on which the kingdom of Prussia was founded

23. The increasing power and wealth of the kings during the early dynastic period was reflected in their elaborate mastaba tombs and mortuary cult structures at Abydos, which were used to celebrate the deified king after his death.

24. In 1137, Aragon and the County of Barcelona merged in dynastic union by the marriage of Ramon Berenguer IV and Petronilla of Aragon, their titles finally borne by only one person when their son Alfonso II of Aragon ascended to the throne in 1162.

25. Both Angevin kings (dynastic name derived from Anjou) owed much to the wealth they derived from the gold mines of Transylvania and northern Hungary, some 35 to 40 percent of which went to the king, enabling him to maintain a splendid court.

26. In 1979 the facility was opened Ceremonious after deep changings.: 1979 wurde das Areal nach umfangrei- chem Umbau feierlich eröffnet.: In this context there was the dynastic clash between James III and Peter Ceremonious, partly manifested in these areas.: In diesem Zusammenhang gab es die dynastischen Konflikt zwischen James III und Peter feierlich, teilweise in diesen Bereichen manifestiert.