dual economy in Czech

duální ekonomika Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "dual economy"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dual economy" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dual economy", or refer to the context using the word "dual economy" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Ever since the reforms and opening up, the dual economy of China evolves different from the dual economy with the institution evolution.

2. Dual economy is a basic characteristic of Chinese economy.

3. Double dual economy is a fundamental constraining condition for the ecological restoration compensation system.

4. At present, Central Jiangsu Region is coming into a rapid expansion of dual economy structure.

5. The fundamental reason for such imbalance is the dual economy structure of city and countryside.

6. The unitary transformation to achieve the dual economy the central issue is the transfer of the agricultural sector labor force.

7. To realize the transformation of Chongqing"s dual economy structure is the major task of Chongqing"s industrialization and modernization.

8. One is the "dual economy": a highly efficient export sector (the Toyotas and Toshibas) offset by a less dynamic domestic sector.

9. The rural finance is a specific historical concept; it is a peculiar financial phenomenon of dual economy period in one country.

10. The chief task of developing countries in industrialized stage is to transform the dual economy structure into the modern economy structure.

11. The rigidity of the dual economy structure result in the more obvious income differential and the cost differential, even the lower cost rate.

12. The dual economy structure is the typical feature of the Chinese system of national economy, and is the major obstacle of Chinese economic growth.

13. International experience shows that to achieve the dual economy the central issue of the unitary transformation is the transfer of the agricultural sector labor force.

14. In the past 100 years time, the United Kingdom, the United States and Japan and other developed countries have completed the conversion of the dual economy.

15. With the dual economy theory, urban and rural development theory and the symbiotic integration theory, it probed into the urban and rural integrated development of mass sports.

16. The surplus rural labor flowing into the city is an inevitable course for our country moving towards homogeneity economy from the dual economy and realizing the modernization.

17. However, the dual economy in China is currently in transition to the single economy, the extensive economic growth mode to intensive economic growth pattern of the historical period of reform.

18. And there are two periods in this phase according to the flux of collocate about laboring factor, about the period of dual economy and the period of integration with labor market.