drank in Czech

vypil pil

Sentence patterns related to "drank"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "drank" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "drank", or refer to the context using the word "drank" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. I drank in everything!

2. We never drank that shit.

3. We drank all night.

4. He drank contaminated alcohol.

5. I drank too much.

6. You drank that sludge?

7. He drank some beer.

8. He drank himself insensible.

9. He drank too much?

10. She quickly drank it.

11. She drank herself senseless.

12. He drank the whisky in sips.

13. He drank from a tumbler.

14. They ate and drank a ridiculous amount.

15. He drank alcohol to deaden the pain.

16. They drank and smoked with reckless abandon.

17. He drank copious amounts of beer.

18. We drank champagne from tin mugs.

19. He drank a quart of milk.

20. They drank Copious amounts of wine

21. There they drank and took drugs.

22. He drank several pints of ale.

23. He just drank himself into oblivion.

24. He drank a tumbler of brandy.

25. He drank and stifled a belch.

26. He drank, womanized and wasted money.

27. 21 He always drank tea in the morning, and she, suffering from an ulcer, always drank hot chocolate.

28. He drank Copious amounts of beer

29. Arras.io, but the tanks drank milk

30. They drank copious amounts of wine.

31. We drank a whole bottle each.

32. He ate and drank to repletion.

33. They drank in the news greedily.

34. I drank heavily, often until I was unconscious.

35. We drank a bottle of wine between us.

36. Often they ate and drank to excess.

37. We drank claret out of large glasses.

38. He grabbed the bottle and drank greedily.

39. I guess we drank up the rest.

40. 4 He drank himself into a stupor.

41. I drank my umpteenth cup of coffee.

42. He drank a terrific amount of beer.

43. Between them they drank away every cent.

44. Jesus often drank wine with his meals.

45. We drank a lot of rice wine.

46. She drank a whole cup of milk.

47. He drank from a crystal wine glass.

48. She drank her soda through a straw.

49. I drank a lemonade to cool down.

50. 18 He drank some mead at supper.