dragging in Czech

táhnoucí vlekoucí dragging <n.> tažení Entry edited by: B2 dragging <n.> smykování Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "dragging"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dragging" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dragging", or refer to the context using the word "dragging" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Enable window dragging

2. Hurry up, suckers, you' re dragging!

3. He keeps dragging on his pipe.

4. She moved slowly, dragging her sore feet.

5. His illness is dragging him down.

6. This heat wave has everyone dragging around.

7. This pterodactyl business is dragging on

8. Your coat's dragging in the mud.

9. The heavy coach is dragging along.

10. The Grunwick dispute is still nominally dragging on.

11. The government, he claimed, was dragging its feet.

12. They disapproved of my dragging in his wealth.

13. Animadversional Picture description is currently dragging

14. We're dragging a car behind us.

15. Any dragging marks in the leaves?

16. His work has been dragging behind recently.

17. The cat was dragging its broken leg.

18. " No, it'd be like dragging in a conscript. "

19. She's always dragging sex into the conversation.

20. The sail was dragging through the water.

21. Re-arrange modules by dragging their title bar.

22. I'm not dragging some greenhorn around the countryside.

23. He was dragging his coat in the mud.

24. The tiger was dragging the antelope across the field.

25. You've been dragging furniture around, stamping all over the place.

26. These guys keep dragging me out to dinner and drinks.

27. This sniper business has been dragging on too long.

28. Ask for action after dragging messages to another folder

29. Spoiled little girl gets her kicks dragging stray men in here.

30. Kisumu Askaris (pictured) dragging a woman on tarmac road

31. I specialize in dragging heavy things around cold places.

32. The boy was dragging his coat along the ground.

33. He came in, dragging his three children behind him.

34. It's the high fever that's been dragging him down.

35. Pick the chair up instead of dragging it behind you!

36. I saw the man dragging a bundle of firewood after him.

37. He heard the sound of heavy, dragging footsteps in the corridor.

38. He lunged forward, grabbing at T'ai Cho's arm, dragging him back.

39. Buzkashi, or goat dragging, is played with two teams of

40. Dragging my bags along, I nervously stepped into the house.

41. This is all because Seung Jo is dragging his feet.

42. A video of golden eagles dragging goats off a mountain.

43. The axis of the dragging spindle is equipped with mixing blades (11) which conform a mixing spindle with a direction of advance opposite to that one of the dragging spindle.

44. Just happened to be dragging his body down the hallway?

45. The authorities are dragging their feet over banning cigarette advertising.

46. Blanky : [mice are dragging Blanky into a hole] Someone help me

47. Dragging in suspects like that is a waste of time, so...

48. Dragging in suspects like that is a waste of time, so

49. I suspect the government is dragging its heels over this issue.

50. They're dragging the river for the body of the missing boy.